
New PODCAST: Starting Democracy Early!

Registering Young Americans....The Problem, and A BIG Solution

A new study spells out both the risk, and the opportunity:

  • only 32% of 18-year-olds in Ohio are registered to vote—less than half of the registration rate of Ohioans 45 years and older

  • but…when 18-year olds do register, they vote at the same rate as their more senior Americans

We also know that if voters begin voting at the age of 18, they are far more likely to keep voting as they get older. This is a national trend, not just Ohio.


Overall, this means one thing: if we can find smart and innovative ways to register 18-year olds at scale, we can greatly move the needle when it comes to overall engagement of young voters.

There’s not a lot of low-hanging fruit in democracy and politics….but this is one of them!

And that is why you’re going to be very interested in listening/watching MY NEWEST PODCAST (above), where I talk with Laura Brill, Founder and CEO of The Civics Center about it all.

The Civics Center is partnering with high school students, teachers, administrators and other organizations all over the country to create seamless systems of registering 18-year old Americans to vote.

And the Civics Center is the one who’s studying the problem and solutions, including the recent study about Ohio.

WATCH our quick conversation above, then check out the links below on how you can learn more, sign up for continuous updates, and support the mission more broadly.

Most important, once you’ve watched, think of all the ways YOU and those you know can partner with The Civics Center to lift and expand their important work. This is a perfect example where you can use your footprint to lift democracy:


  1. The STUDY of registration numbers in Ohio.

  2. Similar studies for Pennsylvania and Arizona.

  3. Some basic info on the Civics Center: Website, Deck

  4. Sign up HERE to partner with The Civics Center on registration efforts

  5. Best practice we discuss: Pre-Registration

  6. The Civics Center is active on Substack with many helpful articles.

  7. Support The Civics Center as they expand this best practice. Consider Donating HERE.

  8. Spread the word so others also partner to get this work done:


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