Saving Democracy
Introducing! A Regular Podcast...

Introducing! A Regular Podcast...

...On What's Working to Save Democracy

Take a listen to the recording above.

As I explain, and as I mentioned in today’s newsletter, I’m going to start including a regular podcast as part of my Substack newsletters.

And my primary goal will be to share conversations I have with people from across the country doing the hard and heroic work to lift democracy. We all have so much to learn from one another; and because I feel like I learn so much from so many, my goal is to start sharing those lessons with others as best as I can. Practical lessons that folks can act on to lift democracy wherever you are.

Not just by writing about them, as I have here and in my books, but by talking with those leading the way, then sharing those conversations with my subscribers. My hope is it inspires people to get involved in new ways, and to find ways to be more effective in what you’re already doing, wherever you are.

Before I plunge in, I want to be sure people think it’s a good enough idea that it’s worth doing.

Let me know:


Beyond the questions above, please provide feedback in the comments section about:

1) topics you are most interested in hearing about and;

2) people you would most want to hear from.

Also, let me know what aspects of podcasts you listen to that you find most interesting/compelling that I should consider.

Thanks in advance.


Saving Democracy
Saving Democracy: A User’s Guide