
It’s Trump vs.…. YOU

Which Freedoms Are You Willing to Give Up?

One of the best parts about traveling the nation is how many insights others share with me everywhere I go.

So many good ideas. So many best practices. So many fresh observations. Together, these conversations fuel so much of my own thinking and energy to keep pushing forward.

Along those lines, two weeks ago in Florida, my host, Bob Gary (also an Ohioan), told me he wanted to send me a list he had been working on.


“A list of what?” I asked.

“The freedoms we will lose if Trump becomes President,” he said. “All Americans should ask themselves, ‘which freedoms from this list am I willing to give up?’

To which I immediately responded: “That’s brilliant…Send me the list.”

And over night, he sent one very scary and long list.

The next morning, I woke up, read Bob’s list, and he and I talked for a good hour before the luncheon where I gave remarks.

And the conclusion I came to as I reviewed his list and over that hour was what I present in the video above.

First, that not only is Bob’s question the right question — what freedoms are we individually and collectively willing to lose if Trump win?

(My defiant answer is: NONE).

But second, the question Bob asks actually re-frames the entire Presidential election in a crucial way.

Yes, 2024 pits Trump vs. Biden. Those are the two opponents facing off. And many of us believe Biden has a lot to offer as he vies for a second term.

But more fundamentally, the election is about Trump vs. YOU, and YOUR freedom. And all the freedoms you/we will lose if he wins.

It’s that stark, as Trump made even more clear Saturday in Ohio with his unhinged and violent rhetoric.

And as Bob suggested by putting together a long list (I put together my own shortened version above), Trump has made painfully clear—through such increasingly disturbing words, through his past actions, and that his allies have put together in their ominous 2025 plan (more on it here)—just how many basic freedoms and fundamental American principles he would eviscerate as President.

So…the next time someone says to you they’re not sure what to do in the election because they’re not sold on Joe Biden, remind them:

This election is fundamentally about Trump vs. THEM (tell them, “YOU”), and their/“YOUR” FREEDOM;

And when they ask you what you mean, walk through all the freedoms they risk losing under a second Trump term (make your own list, just like Bob and I did);

Then ask them, as Bob does, which of those freedoms they’re willing to lose.

For most people, that question will answer itself.

(Thank you, Bob, for sharing your list).

Share this and ask those you know what freedoms they are willing to give up…


Discussion about this video

This is the simplest, best, most potentially effective campaign message I've heard to date. Please share that freedom list in written form for people who don't like watching videos.

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Thank you, Professor Pepper. Please please have DNC and President Biden use this list in their campaign. They must. Even the drumfp crawlers will understand. The alliance of corporations, oligarchs, and government is never good for ordinary citizens. Here we thought the 2020 was the consequential election but the 2024 is beyond anyone's imagination. We are in real danger.

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Well the NYT referred to Trump's "speech" as "caustic" and "discursive", so it can't be all bad, David! (snark tag). But seriously, excellent way to communicate the harsh realities of his agenda.

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David would your friend be willing to share his full list with me?

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Well, if I were to give up a "freedom", I would choose to give up my Right-Wing-corrupted version of the 2nd amendment. Then, maybe, we could agree to the TRUE meaning of the Original amendment!

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This opinion offers skewed statements -Trumps policies are to dissolve the corruption apparent in the DOJ as well as certain other government agencies. Trumps stand on abortion is that it is a STATES RIGHTS issue. That puts the issue truly in my hands as a voter within my state legislature. Taking away my freedoms? I do not think so

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Thanks for your continuing clarity, David. Keep at it.

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Question, off topic: are there any studies or books that trace and explain the extraordinary transition of Ohio and its voters from its status of mixed-leaning-left in the 1980’s to the hard right of today? It can’t be all the result of gerrymandering! Hope you can offer suggests by email. Thanks!

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