Thanks for this, David, and I will post it on Bluesky asap...

... but first I'd like to add my two cents on presidential "immunity" as defended by the conservative members of the Roberts Court. The "Seal Team Six" question was too loaded, in my opinion, and I wish someone had asked this:

"Would any recourse or punishment be possible if a President in office secretly gave confidential information in his or her possession to a foreign government or an individual but was not exposed until after leaving office and impeachment was no longer an option?"

Thank you again for your commitments and endeavors...

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Another Brilliant article this morning ☕ David, Christmas 🎁 is coming, one Can only Wish ?!! Thank You, and will reStack ASAP 💯👍

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Thank you, David, for this very clever framing of our Constitution. And I’m glad that steps are being taken by others in power to circumvent these atrocious people who have been proposed. Let’s make the Founding Fathers proud.

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Thank you David for this perspective. I know you are a firm advocate for "run everywhere." Latest analysis of our recent election from Ballotpedia indicate we have work to do to insure we have democratic elections that give voters a real choice between candidates. Here's the summary:

Sixty-five percent of more than 40,000 elections across the country on Nov. 5, 2024, were uncontested, meaning that the sole candidates on the ballot were virtually guaranteed to win each election.

In five states—Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, and Michigan—more than 75% of elections were uncontested. Conversely, the five states with the lowest uncontested rate were New Jersey (0%), New Hampshire (11%), Virginia (19%), Connecticut (23%), and Utah (26%).

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Here’s a bold way to get a lot of this done in the next couple of weeks. Identify and contact a half dozen members of the #SecretSaneGOPCaucus. Have them declare themselves independents who caucus with the Democrats so that for the next few weeks Hakeem Jeffries can be Speaker.

Next, hook up with the #SecretSaneGOPSenateCaucus who don’t want their stock holdings to plummet. Even McConnell might want to join in to salvage a legacy that otherwise would be reviled for decades. If civilization itself crumbles before the end of the century, he would be held as one of the catalysts.

With every loud and cranky Trumpist rendered moot, then pass the:

- No Kings Act

- Freedom to Vote Act

- John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

- Equal Rights Amendment. Along with official equality of women, their reproductive freedoms can be enshrined. And since society supports the notion broadly, extend the same equality to our LGBTQ community.

What would these new allies get in return? When the next Congress convenience next January, all Democrats will vote one of them in as new Speaker.

Why would they want to do this? Because all the harm that Trump intends to do would likely end their careers in their next election anyway. And instead of being complicit lapdogs, they could be heralded as saviors of America’s greatness.

They could even return to the Republican Party and be the new voices of GOP 2.0 where integrity and compassion are finally valued again.

Let’s imagine a Congress that will no longer do Trump‘s bidding. And with his presidential immunity powers properly restricted, in 2025 he’s likely to justify a third and final impeachment. And MAGA will die, screaming in the gutter of American history.

Anybody else want this scenario? If so, let’s identify those #SecretSaneGOPCaucus members today to get the ball rolling…

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When (not if, G-d willing) we're able to recapture the trifecta, priority number ONE must be expanding the Court. This is the only way to negate the extremist court-packing project that was brought to fruition by Leo, McConnell, and Trump, and to undo the ongoing catastrophic damage wrought to civil rights, good governance, and democracy in general. No other work we might do will be meaningful or lasting until this is accomplished.

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We need to consider what provisions in our Constitution have given us the Supreme Courts and Federal Judiciary that subvert the Constitution and the sentiments of the majority. One factor is defining the Electoral College, a relic of bygone days and compromises, that has repeatedly given us minority presidents who then make minority judicial appointments. Another is the Senate, dominated by small Red states that has repeatedly blocked progress and confirmed seriously flawed judges and Justices.National Popular Vote initiatives can bypass the flawed Electoral College. A lot more reforms are needed to fix broken courts and free our media, economy, culture, and politics from the grip of the oligarchs whom we allow to buy judges, politicians , and influence.

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The GOP's Lies, Cruelty, and Hypocrisy Are the Real War on Christmas.


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Thank you for the great work you do! And for this article, which is very clever. But . . . I take exception to the description of the Dorr Rebellion (or "Dorr Warr") as "a bizarre Rhode Island dispute from the mid-1800s." Everyone, please at least check out the Wikipedia entry! The Dorr Rebellion "was an attempt by residents to force broader democracy in the state of Rhode Island. It was led by Thomas Wilson Dorr, who mobilized his followers to demand changes to the state's electoral rules. The state was still using its 1663 colonial charter as a constitution, which required that voters own land as qualification to vote. The rebellion established a parallel government alongside the existing chartered government and wrote a new constitution for Rhode Island. It failed, but it forced the rewriting of the state constitution to expand eligibility to vote." T.W. Dorr sacrificed his health in prison for the principle of universal manhood suffrage. The Rebellion was complicated and messy, maybe tragic, but not at all bizarre. For a longer explanation than the one in Wikipedia, try "The Dorr War: Treason, Rebellion, & the Fight for Reform in Rhode Island," a short, popular history by Rory Raven (2015).

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A fair critique, Judith. It’s a stunning piece of history. Was trying to sum it up quickly, so thank you for giving it its full Justice.

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Thank you! I do realize you can't cover everything in depth. I did like your whole article very much!

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that's great, thank you!

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