No kidding it will harm education in Ohio. It will harm students who are a product of the educational system in Ohio as soon as employers and institutions offering higher degrees learn they cannot expect that Ohio students have a firm grounding in established scientific fact. How many employers, given four applicants, will opt for the one that still needs training in the foundations, or even retraining?

Being required to accept disproven theories alongside correct answers on tests is equivalent to saying "teach them algebra, but if they get the wrong answer you can't mark them wrong". It's like these people don't understand the concept of education or teaching.

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Google Lysenkoism under Stalin

Same Thing

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When I lived there, so different, but the changes were starting. Now my sister still lives in Ohio. I can only hope that she'll see the light.

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Don’t these people want our students to be prepared for life? We all need to know real history & world events & science, etc. The US already faces a crisis with students and reading not doing well. I think they wanna do this so then they can say the solution is a voucher school & keep ruining our public schools more & more.

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David I met you in Indianapolis at Jennifer McCormick’s event. We have similar bills that passed last year for Universities—not quite as draconian but almost! We are trying to get Blue Indiana started here but from what I understand it is a heavy lift with the entry level fund raising.

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Thank you, David for you long and consistent dedication to education in Ohio.

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