*The GOP’s Racism Broke AI*

It’s a sad statement on the modern GOP: the party’s racism is so deeply entrenched, so endlessly sprawling, that even artificial intelligence buckles under the task of cataloging it all.


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This will go down in the History books,as one of the Darkest Hate rallies equal to what we saw in the 1930ies. Thank You, David, for your article this morning ☕ and will reStack ASAP 💯👍🇺🇸💙🌊

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There's no excuse for the MAGA Bund Trump held in Madison Square Garden. None at all. The 'comedian' is getting the lion's share of attention for the straight up racism and obscene sexual content of his 'jokes' about our fellow American citizens from Puerto Rico, but his schtick was of a piece with all the other speakers, including Stephen Miller who used an English translation of Adolph Hitler's own words: Germany is for Germans and only for Germans. Trump and his ilk aren't hiding what they are anymore.

We have the chance to choose a different path in this last election. We can choose a path that brings back decency, that elevates character, that upholds democracy and the rule of law, and that preserves our country's standing on the world stage. We can reject the dark vision of and for America-of-the-few being promoted by Donald Trump, and choose instead the vision of American promise for everyone of Kamala Harris. Vote, people! Let's win this thing!

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Isn’t that what everyone wants “a diverse majority”? You will lose and hopefully not remain lost. Jesus Christ had followers as well and still has “the diverse groups.” Follow him.

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Yes. Decent people do, indeed, recognize the value and strength that comes from our diversity. Welcoming strangers from foreign lands [pretty sure your Jesus had thoughts on that] has always been a source of American renewal and vitality.

So, Mona, pack up your dolls and dishes and go share that nonsense on Trump Social, where it belongs. There are adults talking here.

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