I wish I could say this was unbelievable. But I can’t. It’s crystal clear and all too believable. Thank you for writing this. I will be sharing it everywhere I can!

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Thank you, David, for clarifying once again the position the Republicans are taking. Anti-women all the way.

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Say whatever it takes to get elected, zero integrity.

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Wouldn't there need to be a scientific consensus on what constitutes a person before one could say an embryo or even pre-embryo is protected under the 14th amendment? The GOP would probably scoff at anything scientific and leave all of this up to God.

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It’s not only Trump lying about his own political beliefs and position and ignoring what is written in their platforms to get by until after the election. The Unjustice Six on the Supreme Court would again turn their own interpretation of original intent on its head. Fetal viability, abortion, and IVF were certainly not on the minds of the writers of the 14th Amendment, the members of Congress that passed it, and the state legislators that ratified it. Nor was it on the minds of the Continental Congress in 1787.

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