Thank you for this objective view of state funds being shuffled from public education into the hands of people that have no legal reason to either be accountable for it or perform any work for any reason to receive it. Another fleecing of America story.

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You have to love American ingenuity: Become a businessman. Go to any government in America and sign up for free money with no reason to ever do anything for it. Get as much as you want and spend it on yourself because there is no accountability for public funding of businesses. This really works best for white, Christian, racist men but can actually work for anyone. And the more you take, the more you can take because you can use some of that taxpayer funding to pay politicians to make sure you are preselected for more.

How the hell did it come to this? It may have always been this way but the scale of today’s activities is just too bloody much.

How the hell is public funding of private or religious schools for the Public good?????

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