As i recall, those in power in 1924 pulled every trick in the book to kill the reform idea of a new city charter, including putting a bunch (4) of alternatives on the ballot ahead of the actual vote on the new charter. So to pass, the knowledgeable voter had to vote "no" 4 times and then "yes!"

It'd be good to confirm this recollection of the actual history - important, because it's the same nonsense we see today to subvert the will of the electorate.

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Have my sign up on Tiedeman Road in the city of Brooklyn. Thanks to a good friend who stuck it in the hard dirt in my yard.

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A very good column that gives us the map on how to reverse course in Ohio. I certainly hope we have the integrity to do so.

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I know I am not delusional. I distinctly remember voting to end gerrymandering for Ohio state legislative districts 10 years ago, and that initiative passed. And more recently we thought we were ending gerrymandering of our congressional districts, too. Yet here we are, once again, trying one more time to do something a majority of Ohioans want and Republicans at the state level are stonewalling. If they had a shred of shame, we wouldn’t be here now with yet another fight.

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