A fine, detailed and frightening explanation of how anti-Democratic extremism is further infecting Ohio at the expense of constituents who have clearly voted against it!

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I’m in Arizona but follow Ohio closely as we are very similar. Our version of CCV is CAP: Center for Arizona Policy (AZPolicy.org). We will have our abortion ballot initiative on the ballot this Nov. The right wing lawmakers here (who are in a slim majority — for now) continually try to weaken our ballot initiative process.

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Ohioan, sharing with my relative, a lawyer, working for fairness in Ohio. Childless not by choice.

Thank you.

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Even if we pass the anti gerrymandering initiative, it will be difficult to unwind institutional actions like this. They are burrowing their way into ongoing power.

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In exactly what sense is this Chase Center to be considered "independent" if it's being founded with $10M in state funds? It's clearly partisan, not a medical school or anything like that.... Are these designated funds that donors earmarked for this purpose? I think that's what they *should* be. But I doubt that's what they are.

I'm guessing it is "independent" only in the sense of being unresponsive to every recently expressed will of Ohioans through their votes on the Issues.

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Enlightening! We all need to have our eyes wide open to the far right's quiet takeover of public institutions, legislatures, and officials and bodies who control elections.

We inch closer to an Orban style takeover every day.

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