This is so there can be a comeback in private for-profit post-secondary schools, notably the two and four year degree and certificate for-profit trade schools, that have a low student graduation and success rates and everyone on high-interest student loans. I’m sure DeVos had input on the Education chapter with dollar signs floating in her eyes.

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There is another little anti-easter egg in the Dept of Education section. Right now, federal funding can only go to accredited post-secondary education. Pee-on 2025 wants to remove the accreditation (for some reason specifically targeting the American Bar Association's involvement with being sure law schools actually teach law). Federal funding for the Trump Universities of the world, incoming.

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These policies will assure a future population of poorly educated people who will presumably be more easily lead and satisfied with low paying jobs. It's the "mud-sill" theory, essentially creating a level of serfs to do the work no one else wants to do. HORRIBLE and BACKWARD! It sounds like the Middle Ages.

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