The naked authoritarianism of Governor DeWine should be the final nail in the coffin of the "moderate Republican politician".

Like Sinunu, who recently assured us that a second Trump term would be fine. Or Haley, who pledged support for Trump, even if he ran as a convicted felon. Or Hogan, who now sits on the board of No Labels...a dark money PAC for Trump masquerading as a 3rd party. Or Kemp, who refused to throw the Georgia election, but who now pledges support for Trump in 2024.

There are no good Republican officials and candidates, when they all sacrifice principles and democracy for tribalism and power.

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When I saw this story of DeWeenie thumbing his nose at the courts, I thought, "Maybe we can take this right to the US Supreme Court". But then I remembered, "Oh yeah, THAT Supreme Court".

How sad is all this?

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"We’ll see how the court responds"

An order to show cause why he should not be held in contempt is how a court would ordinarily respond. The Ohio courts have been rather timid, however. Last fall I was hoping to see the Ohio Supreme Court declare that a body not elected in accord with the state constitution was not, in fact, entitled to legislate.

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I’m about to retire and am thinking about running for school board! I hope I don’t have to. Hoping for younger people to keep up the fight.

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Young people have a lot of fights on their hands these days. Unfortunately. Besides, if you run, you can give someone younger the necessary impetus to get the old farts out of here.. ;-)

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