Thank you for this inspiring (although the backdrop is so depressing) newsletter. I remember Jess Piper talking about an organization that means that ALL Democratic legislative candidates, however hopeless their situation looks, get some minimal funding to allow them to at least print some campaign literature. Can you remind us what that is? Is it the Blue Missouri/Blue Ohio groups or something else?

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All I can say is THANK YOU, David!!! Definitely restacking this one immediately.

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Good news! The horribly gerrymandered Athens County that was cracked into Districts 94 and 95 hasn’t broken us. We have strong Dem candidates for both! Please support them and come to speak in Athens next spring! We need all the help we can get.

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I’ll be there!

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This is really fantastic-ie, ‘leaning’ Rs & Independ’s need to realize that it’s truly a question of How Many More Elections Will their vote actually count!?

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