Confronting the MAGA Agenda in the state houses is exactly what the Poor People’s Campaign is doing. March 2, 11AM local time, we will be in front of the legislative building in 31 states to demand an end to poverty violence in state laws that defund education, keep wages low, deny healthcare access, criminalize the poor, ignore the crisis in affordable housing, pander to the wealthy-- all the underlying policies that make poverty the 4th leading cause of death in the US. See poorpeoplescampaign.org for more info

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Thank you for sharing the brief. Our legacy media outlets do little reporting on the historical context of the rise and fall of democracies, making it easier for us to let ours slip away.

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The emphasis on state and local actions is essential. Local and not-so local grassroots orgs are doing a lot of work. Democracy-loving citizens in Ohio are focused on a "citizens not politicians" themed redistricting effort that can make a HUGE difference in the makeup of our state legislature. Thanks to radical gerrymandering we are already living the consequences of the one-party state that Timothy Snyder warns us about. We are fired up and optimistic due to the gerrymander-busting that has taken place in Michigan and Wisconsin. Help support our efforts at https://www.citizensnotpoliticians.org

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This looks like a professional association of reps from different organizations or institutions. Is that correct?

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TY! What the plan in Ohio for June’s special election in District 6? What should we do about the OH legislature’s slow-walking of the policy changes mandated by the votes on Issues 1 and 2? We need another Substack devoted to Blue Ohio, don’t we?

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There are two Democrats who will be on the primary ballot Mar 19: Rylan Finzer and Michael Kripchek.

Consult ballotpedia for more: https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio%27s_6th_Congressional_District_election,_2024_(March_19_Democratic_primary)

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Great job on Thom Hartmann’s show! And great article!

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Thank you for highlighting the brilliant SCOTUS amicus brief by Ruth Ben-Ghiat et al http://lucid.substack.com

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So important. Thanks for this. I think I see this reflected in other writers and reporters. Many of us are focusing too much on National. Hope you will keep this up.

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Hi David…Just wanted you to know that I referenced you today at a Buddy Group meeting with Liz Walters…Quote: According to my friend David Pepper, it is is essential that we run Democrats in every State Senate and State Representative race…can You tell me what the situation is in Ohio for the 2024 elections? As you probably know, they have filled up all the Senate races and only have 3 seats not filled in the representative races but they have write in campaigns operating in those districts. FYI, the “David Pepper Question” is my go to every time ! BTW, also learned that the Democrats weren’t putting money into Ohio this year…which is what they did last cycle!!!! That’s a little upsetting…. xxG

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Yes. They did a good job recruiting this cycle. Excited about it.

Let’s hope that changes re $.

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