Isolationist GOP opposition to entering WWll allowed Hitler to flourish before Pearl Harbor. Nixon secretly torpedoed peace talks in 1968. Reagan had his back channel with Iran in 1980. W pedaled lies at the UN. Trump is now doing the same with Putin. Republicans thirst for governmental power has been using treason as weapon to push Oligarchic dominance since TR left the Party over a century ago.

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David, you should moderate the next debate (if there is one) Also, you’re very talented

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People need to start asking themselves what they really need in a presidential skill set:

1. The ability to discuss policies comprehensively within a 2 minute strict time limits or

2. The ability to have policies that benefit the American people AT ALL

I go for the deck chairs. That is truly calming.

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Beautiful paintings. On to the topic at hand.

Those lines from Convicted Felon DT (CFDT) and HCR’s analysis only makes it more obvious that CFDT is either a Russian agent, a puppet of Putin’s or both. What we have here is a combination of treasonous Reagan going backdoor to Iran to hold the hostages until his swearing in and Nixon telling South Vietnam to hold off on agreement on a peace deal because he, Nixon, could cut a better deal than Johnson and any Democrat president.

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Thank you for amplifying these chilling statements, which have gone almost unchallenged by the mass media, which is shocking. I say "almost unchallenged", only because I'm giving the benefit of the doubt that someone somewhere in print or tv news has addressed them, but in fact I've seen nothing other than from Heather Cox Richardson and you.

Thanks for sharing your wisdom and your many talents.

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I’m particularly partial to lighthouses, so after all the sordid details, I’m going back to the beginning to savor that painting. You are extremely talented in so many ways, David—especially in saving democracy!

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I like Adirondack chairs (have three prints I love in which they feature prominently) so I will stay and stare at the last “reward” painting. But seriously Mr. Pepper - send this column to Bill Kristol and Tom Nichols and suggest they focus their attention back on and shout from the rooftop about these issues - I know that at least Bill centers Ukraine in returning to his original “Scoop Jackson Democrat” orientation - and give up on their Sorkin fantasies. If Biden thinks he can’t go on, he WILL get out and do so in the most positive way he can, because he really is a patriot at heart.

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Thank you! This a has disturbed me since he first said it. And infuriated me further when on Washington week of all places (the media truly is messed up right now) the wsj journalist enthusiastically parroted trumps words without any pushback from anyone. Sickening. And shocking. What kind of world are we living in? This is unacceptable.

Thank you for sharing your paintings with us every Sunday. It’s a balance we all need.

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I've stopped watching Washington Week a while ago, for this very reason. . .

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Beautiful paintings!!! You are quite right ... there literally were no moderators at that debate and Trump was not called to account for anything he said. You can bet your bottom dollar that Putin has his hands in this election, just as he did in 2016 ... there's a term for what Trump is doing ... it's called 'treason.'

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IMHO there were so many lies and clues spewed out of the 🍊🤡💩's mouth during the debate that haven't been addressed. Like when he took credit from the $35 cap on insulin achieved by Biden!

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Thank you for amplifying HCR important essay.

Nice paintings. I especially like the first one.

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Lovely pictures and thank you David Pepper! It is up to all of us!

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#TheRepublicanPartyMustDie (disband)

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Back in the day I voted enthusiastically for more than a few Republicans (like GHWB) though I have always been registered D. But there are very few I would vote for now - Cheney and Kinzinger and Anthony Gonzalez and maybe a few others. I just would not trust many of them after how they’ve bent the knee to Trumpism and shown themselves to be without principles. When we Ds were in the wilderness there was no concern that Al From and the DLC didn’t believe in democracy, just concern that, for example, Dukakis might not have the foreign policy chops for the job. I miss those days!

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The parties are stronger than any individual candidate bethey Republican *OR* Democrat. It's the way it is. Republicans went despicable when they decided treason was an okay tactic for Richard Nixon. It was again when Reagan interfered with the hostage release and that begat the Iran-Contra affair. GHWB pardoned all the miscreants that led to him *AND THIS WAS KNOWN AT THE TIME*. So, I voted for a few R's in the 1970s, but not one after that.

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I admire your way with a brush

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Lovely paintings David. What a wonderful place to relax.

"Trump is sending a clear signal to Putin NOT to release Gershkovich while Biden is president. And to do it only if/after Trump wins. He doesn’t want Biden to get the credit. He wants it for himself." OMG this brings back memories of the release of American hostages in Iran after Carter lost to Reagan. Questions were raised about the timing. But in this case, Trump isn't doing it behind close doors but right in front of us being the dictator he is and is not concerned at all about consequences.

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I thought it was part of the debate rules that CNN would do no live fact checking.

Although why Biden's team would agree to that God only knows.

Someone said that the Biden team itself asked for no fact checking.

What is the truth dammit?

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I’ve wondered for a long time why Russia didn’t launch its massive invasion of Ukraine while trump was in office. The invasion would’ve been so much easier under those conditions for Putin.

Surely a former head of the KGB wasn’t naive enough to risk that operation on trump getting into office again..

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