Ron DeSantis in FL has implemented it for this school. Total estimated cost for this school year is $3.9 billion. It too diverts funds from public schools. Thank you for such a detailed report.
Ron DeSantis in FL has implemented it for schools. Total estimated cost for this school year is $3.9 billion. It too diverts funds from public schools. Thank you for such a detailed report.
Thank you David for all you’re doing! I have also thought it is completely wrong that they are taking money from public education to fund private/charter schools. If people want to pay to send their children to private schools that is their business, but it shouldn’t be paid for by siphoning money from public schools.
Idaho has just joined the voucher scam. HB93 was signed by our Governor Little despite his promise not to sign any “school choice” bill that lacked transparency, accountability or oversight. 86% of informed constituents asked for a veto and were ignored. It’s $50M today, no telling what it’s going to be in another year or two.
Ron DeSantis in FL has implemented it for this school. Total estimated cost for this school year is $3.9 billion. It too diverts funds from public schools. Thank you for such a detailed report.
Ron DeSantis in FL has implemented it for schools. Total estimated cost for this school year is $3.9 billion. It too diverts funds from public schools. Thank you for such a detailed report.
This is so helpful. Thank you very much
Thank you David for all you’re doing! I have also thought it is completely wrong that they are taking money from public education to fund private/charter schools. If people want to pay to send their children to private schools that is their business, but it shouldn’t be paid for by siphoning money from public schools.
Idaho has just joined the voucher scam. HB93 was signed by our Governor Little despite his promise not to sign any “school choice” bill that lacked transparency, accountability or oversight. 86% of informed constituents asked for a veto and were ignored. It’s $50M today, no telling what it’s going to be in another year or two.