There’s got to be something people from outside Ohio can do to show support. This is unbearable. And where is DOJ?

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People with those racist/hate should not be in positions of sheriff/police/board of elections!! So disgusting!!

We’ve have turned the clock back to Nazi Germany 1930’s!

Can’t the DOJ do something about this increasing fear mongering??

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Sickening. Trump knew exactly what he was doing.

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Yup - especially since Vance's people were told the morning of the event the story was false, yet Trump still blurted it out.

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yeah, arrest them without a warrant nor probable cause. Way to uphold the rule of law, Sheriff. Was your last job in Nottingham?

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Can those party officials be charged with a federal crime? Surely we have something on the books to address fear-mongering.

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sadly, not unless the speech is "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action." Brandenburg v Ohio, 1969. Direct threats to individuals may be prosecutable; keeping things general isn't. Unless the Extremes interpret the term "likely" to include "a statistical probability" the First Amendment is ill equipped to deal with stochastic terrorism. This crop of Extremes is likelier to just eliminate even the small loophole of Brandenburg.

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Alternate Facts (lies) have been the way of Trump and his sycophants, leaving a wake of destruction in route to keep the narcissist's ego filled up because the truth of him is so empty...and the need to fill his ego is insatiable. An entire country, and possibly the world being wagged by a man child that gives zero fVcks about anything but himself. WAKEUP America, he has no soul.

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I wish this story was getting more coverage - this appears to be a human trafficking issue led primarily by one businessman. Everyone is still talking about cats & dogs and legal or illegal - let's talk about how the Haitians are being exploited, that Republicans have been in charge since they began arriving here in 2018 at the local (Mayor & most of the City Council) State (House, Senate, Governor), Federal (US House Rep & one US Senator - namely Portman then Vance), but somehow this is all a Biden/Harris issue?


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Getting this out to my multigenerational Ohioan family. This breaks my heart. Thanks, David.

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What is it about sheriffs?! They seem to think they are above the law!

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Thank you.

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My dad was born in Sydney, a place most people have never heard of. There are a bunch of Fosnights in the area. I’ve never lived anywhere where there were a lot of people with my name. Hope they aren’t among all these racists.

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Racism is rapidly spreading because of the likes of don-old and jd. IMO this is one of the few things they come out and openly talk about it. I guess this isn’t a “concept” but a plan. It makes me ill. Then you have the republican Missouri Governor.

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And did you see that the actual woman arrested pled not guilty by reason of insanity, which seems might explain the incident.

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