It's absolutely clear that the Ohio GOP has zero respect for any law they don't agree with. Their super majority seems to, in their minds, give them the right to force whatever political and/or religious requirements on Ohio citizens they want, no matter what those citizens actually support. Their letter is a direct attack on the Ohio constitution and cannot be tolerated. Bad enough that they ignored the constitutional requirement for fair voting district maps - now they have pledged to ignore the amendment stemming from passage of Issue 1. We no longer have a state government, we have a state run by a bunch of religious zealots and scofflaws.

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My first thought as I began reading your post was that the signers of that letter were disparaging their own handiwork. And it is unconscionable that they could use official stationery to make fools of themselves. Keep up the good work, David.

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David’s map of the bigger picture is a good antidote for the burnout so many are experiencing. Rally our numbers to share the load. People take a break to re-energize and then get back in there. File lawsuits and initiatives for fair redistricting, support Dem candidates in all races, register voters, and get out the vote! Keep building our blue wave! 💙🌊

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This article should be published in all newspapers, shared on social media, literally need to be shouted from roof top. The lawlessness of the repub state representatives!, (of oligarchs) is the culmination of Democratic party sleeping at the wheel when they had majority, us voters being complacent by just voting in presidential election years, mcconnell and his elks catching that, and manipulating and repubs fake prolife, L&O (for only Democrats and ordinary Americans), while working on enriching oligarchs by looting taxpayers, and killing our democracy was attained tirelessly staying focused for decades.

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"Whatever hopes or projects might be entertained by a few aspiring characters, it must generally happen that a great proportion of the men deriving their advancement from their influence with the people, would have more to hope from a preservation of the favor, than from innovations in the government subversive of the authority of the people. All these securities, however, would be found very insufficient without the restraint of frequent elections." - Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 57

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This is insanity! I love you Prof. Pepper! However this post has a lot of words. Take this with a grain of salt..... blah blah blah!!! why the heck, and I want to say a different word, isn't somebody organizing a massive march on the capitol in response to this? The other side would be taking arms to the Capitol building. We have no ground response to any of these things. It defied reason that they stole supreme Court seats and we didn't have millions in the streets and general strikes etc etc. I see no leadership on this. You are a scholar and you are providing invaluable information. We need somebody to take charge and command a ground force of citizens to descend upon the capital and do not allow anything to move until this is resolved. If I do something illegal I'm hauled to jail I don't understand how this illegality can occur and how we are not picking up by the tens of thousands and again descending on this legislature! Where is our charismatic leadership somebody has got to stand up and use a bully pulpet! This is an outrage and we continue to have an academic response. We're kind of wimps! I'm so proud of everybody to have gotten out and gotten the Constitution change but if this is the response what's the point! Is somebody filing lawsuits? Why are they allowed to function having been elected illegally. Where are the authorities in this? Who enforces the law?

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Can you end gerrymandering via ballot measure? Amend the constitution to direct impartial district maps?

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Yes. 2024.

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I am all in. Whatever I can do to help our State and Nation get back to the democratic ideals, I will do.

I hope others feel the same way. Let's fix this.



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“Pre-born” is the new “pro-life”? That seems pretty telling.

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