David, thanks for sharing. Worse than I thought. I already voted YES!!! Early. I’m sharing your article on social media.

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Excellent column Charlie.

As for the husband of Mother; Pence was always nothing more than failed cardboard cutout of a caricature of some incontinent weasel. Although, he definitely reminds me of an incredibly untalented and pathetic sloth.

He definitely is not a profile in courage. He was an enabler of Trump’s worst impulses, and stood silent as Trump dismantled the administrative state, and installed some of the most corrupt and incompetent government employees any country could hope to avoid.

So as far as my departing words of wisdom for Pence. Let’s just say that Pence didn’t lose this race because he was a defender of democracy; as all evidence points to the contrary. He didn’t lose this race because he was a man of honor, or was cancelled by the far-left radicals.

Pence lost because of his lack of faith; plain and simple. As the Bible clearly states:

Exodus 20:4-5 ERV - “Don't worship or serve idols of any kind, because I, the LORD, am your God. I hate my people worshiping other gods.”

Therefore, I will wish Pence a fitting farewell for a man of his stature and success, or lack thereof:

Rot in Hell; I mean Rest in Peace!

Hey, it’s more appropriate than thoughts and prayers!...:)

As to the state of education, not only in Ohio, but everywhere. Given a choice, these religious wing-nuts in power will not only destroy secular education, installing campaign donors and unqualified bureaucrats to run education in this country, they openly flout a disregard of the separation of church and state. Look no further than my state of Florida where education is being take over by the state, and book banning is becoming a ritual of these religious zealots and wing-nuts. The best teachers and professors are leaving at alarming rates.

In both W. Virginia and Louisiana, teachers and principals have been forcing Christianity on non Christian’s and secular children. They even threaten suspension should the children protest. These people no longer hide their disdain for any religion but their own, but are forcibly pushing their religion on others. I’m sure the Catholic Court (SC) has a lot to do with this, since they too, do not understand the establishment clause of the constitution. God help us all, no pun intended (okay maybe).

Have a wonderful week all...:)

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Thank you David for your time and writing about the issues that continue to plague Ohio. I’m really grateful for your work. Have you heard of Lifewise? I just discovered this religious group has been allowed to start their brainwashing campaign in Perkins schools for K-5 students! Omg supposedly a ok as it is run by volunteers, it’s voluntary and meetings are off site. But it’s happening during school hours! Can you please look into this? Who do we have in Ohio that can get elected for governor next time around? I voted for Nan Whaley . We need to turn Ohio around!

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Democracy is in the balance. This was a fascinating story. Thank you

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CONservatives are attacking everything, everyone, every sector, every area of public sector everywhere, at the same. They're at it for decades and SC gave their blessings to states, and repub congress, mcturtle, ryan, and warhappyfakechristian bush, drumfp etc have with gerrymandering, voter suppression, and with destruction of any/all laws protecting ordinary Americans almost are successful in giving oligarchs and christofasicts unfettered power and no choice to citizens to turn the clock back.

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This commentary would be great reading for all the voters in Texas.

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