
New PODCAST: A Truly Terrible Top 10...

The 10 Horrible Datapoints That Make Clear How Bad Universal Vouchers Are

Folks, some are starting to see the problem. And it’s starting to gain much-needed national coverage.

The explosion of universal vouchers in gerrymandered, red states—ripping holes in state education budgets across the country, all to subsidize private school students who are almost entirely going to the same schools they always have attended (and most could already afford to attend).

But the truth is, it’s far worse than almost anyone realizes. And it keeps getting worse.

Please share — people need to know…


To capture just how bad it is, I asked Steve Dyer, a former Ohio Stare Rep. who tracks the attack on public education as closely as anyone out there, to put together a LETTERMAN-style TOP 10 LIST—of the worst 10 datapoints that capture just how disastrous the reckless universal voucher giveaway is in Ohio. They also show just how much it is NOT what taxpayers were sold when this “movement” first started decades ago.

To make it clear just how bad these numbers are, here is #10:

  • $742 million – The estimated amount of money going to all EdChoice vouchers THIS school year – > which is 10 TIMES the amount spent when Steve himself was in the legislature

And here is #9:

  • $740 million – the amount of money the state has failed to fund for its new public school funding system

Remarkably similar numbers, right?

And those are just #10 and #9. Trust me, they get far worse as you head to #1.

I can’t emphasize enough—watching the conversation ABOVE is worth your time. Each of the Top Ten datapoints will stun you. Together, the ten will horrify you. My guess is you’ll never look at the issue again after watching this, especially after you reach number 1.

And the worst part is what Steve describes happening in Ohio is happening all over the country. All these universal voucher programs—backed by the same deep-pocketed interests—are designed in the same way. Heat-seeking missiles aimed right at public education, wrapped in a false narrative.

They are doing the same damage, which only promises to get worse.

So…take a moment and watch this.

Then, please share it so others know the truth.


Then commit that you will do something about it.

You can START by supporting our effort to hold accountable those voting for these out-of-control vouchers. I call it the “Public Dollars for Public Schools Fund.” We need to grow it large enough to start pushing back the other way on this issue.

Please consider giving HERE.

If we don’t start holding those pushing this accountable, the terrible numbers will only continue.

Also, follow Steve’s Substack HERE. You will thank me later.

Whatever you do, keep fighting back against this relentless attack on education.

Thank you.


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