A GREAT reminder of what a majority of Ohioans still believe - 110 years later.

Now, in this moment when the true intentions of a gerrymandered legislature have been exposed, the next challenge is to lay out a new vision for Ohio that does not focus on culture war issues, but that will lift Ohioans up to be more prosperous - including areas of education and health.

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This was so beautiful to read; it brought a few tears and I’m from the “ girls don’t cry” club👏🏻 That same strangling intensity from the “ minorities “ as TR describes is attacking today. And Bless Ohio ( and KS , etc ) for leading the fight.

Thank you so much David keeping us all reminded and focused on what we’re all fighting for. I know I’ll return to read TR’s words again and again.

And, IMO: 60 % my ASS!” got it exactly right too

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Spot on, Teddy! Thank you for sharing this, again, David! Could not be more appropriate for what true democracy is, and how we must continually renew our commitment, as a people, to keep it!

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Thanks for sharing Teddy Roosevelts speech. How it resonates today! Last week’s victory will lead us to our next fight, and the beginning of many more.

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What a great way to star a day!!. Your article explains why we must continue our struggle, and this time with a double passion and determination.

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Wow! Uncanny.

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Great post. Says it all!

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Thanks for sharing this speech. I loved the phrase “lip-loyalty.”

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Teddy Roosevelt’s words are as relevant, or even more so, today as they were 111 years ago. It should be required reading for all.

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Amazing words from the past. Here are some AMAZING words this morning!


Farron Balanced vid Farron Cousins talks about Ohio, Dobbs and Simon Rosenberg and Dems Mighty Mo cuz WE are ticked about our reproductive freedoms being taken. Check it out! Props to Ohio! David! Simon! Pro democracy! And even Hannity is figuring it out!

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