Our AZ Republican legislators have done everything here they can to disrespect teachers. And my parents gave their working lives to the Cincinnati Public School system. This REALLY pisses me off! I’m so tired of what these Republicans are trying to do to teachers and public education across our nation. No one likes what they are doing. I really hope people are awake now because they are slimy and underhanded in every action they take! I left a voicemail on Plummer’s phone just now to let him know how I feel. Thank you for always calling out the BS. I will share your column with my retired teacher friends in Ohio.

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Dear Suzanne:

Make sure your friends join the FB group Ohio STRS Member only forum. Mr Pepper is a member.

It’s the only way to know what’s really going on. If they are able, they should also join us at the STRS Board meetings.

The other Suzanne. Spelled the correct way!!

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Thank you, once again, David, for shining a spotlight on our pension debacle.

I was one of those in attendance at the ORSC hearing on Monday and made the mistake of shaking Plummer’s hand afterwards.

I wrote him a blistering email about needing to wash my hand immediately.

Thank you for making all taxpayers aware of our plight.

P.S. That’s my infamous “Do the Math” poster. I’ve been carrying it down to monthly STRS Board meetings for 9 years.

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Thank you, Suzanne! From one Suzanne to another.

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JFC…and here I thought the Tennessee GOP was bad. 🤦‍♂️

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David, I am a recent OPERS retiree and trying to control my breathing right now. I don't qualify for SS, this is all I have and it isn't much. (For those who don't know, Ohio is one of the few states that funds state employees only through the state retirement systems, not jointly w/Social Security.)

I clearly need to organize myself before I tell Phil Plummer to leave our pension plans alone. He should know better than most as a former sheriff that each state pension plan is set up differently because they have different needs. This is exhibit A of Chevron destruction at the state level, only worse.

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Pay attention, my Texas friends. Republicans WILL attack the teacher retirement system here, as well. It’s just too large a pot of gold. First privatize prisons. Next, education. Finally, …

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I wonder how many of us understand that Ohio is a specific instrument in an effort to re-engineer our institutions. Specifically, a long with Tennessee and Missouri, to first tolerance test, and then implement, interate on, and improve upon efforts to seize and leverage institutional power at the state level.

The federal judiciary from the circuit to SCOTUS has been corrupted to provide legal cover, but more importantly, in other states, the precedents were set, and have been leveraged in Ohio.

These aren't activist judges. They're indoctrinated, predisposed, and then trained in the profession, and intended to ascend into positions of ever greater authority.

This is how failed states - often referred to as Mafia states - gain power. Codifying *their* corruptions and criminal behavior that benefit authoritarianism, faciscm, and white collar crime (by it's very nature limited to a smaller sunset of citizens).

They're not defending a vision of democracy that their delusion leads them to believe is righteous and just. They're simply now at a place in their 60+ year grind where they feel pretty much everything is in place for them to seize control of the country, state by state, and bleed it dry.

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I would add AZ to that list. We’ve been a petri dish to see what sticks. BUT we are purple now and have a good chance at overturning this ridiculous legislature (where insurrectionists and fake electors walk freely!).

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Indeed. Great point, Suzanne. And wonderful example, too. I think all states are - by our very nature as citizens, not subjects - pruple.

The conservative-only methods always fail miserably. They don't strengthen communities, families or individuals. They don't improve working conditions, products, services or long term viability for companies and industries. They don't edify and uplift Christianity or any religion. Churches calcify and shrink and become havens for predators, grifters, and charlatans, weaponized against the very communities that fill the pews and coffers. Businesses don't thrive, they become havens for greed, corruption, and atrocious behavior toward workers and customers. Increasingly inferior products, services and outcomes. Factories don't leverage efficiencies for better products and better workplaces. They prop up greedy people who cash out and move on. Entire factories are shuttered. Entire towns die. It's blamed on cheap immigrant labor and untenable worker's rights. Those don't seem to impact executive compensation much, though. Governments cease to function. On purpose. Because both industry and institutions are being hollowed out to serve the needs of a desperate greedy few.

Do absolute certainties make us feel better? Sometimes. But only when things have been so mismanaged and muddled and destabilized that absolute certainties - no matter how draconian, brutal or ridiculous - seem like clarity and strength.

People are meant to be carved out and diminished by fear. The pride of "rugged individualism" is a contrivance that's used to emotionally manipulate us. Along with self-reliance. These things aren't bad. They're just used to impact how we.feel.and.confuse us into isolation and to regard collective consciousness and unified action for a generally better consensus as weak, inferior, unchristian, etc.

Words like "opposition" and "resistance" are reduced to pejoratives to trigger fear.

I like your example where opposition and resistance simply mean showing up and doing better.

Wow. Another long reply. Oops. 😬

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But very, very well said!! May I share on my FB page and give you author credit?!

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Sure. Although as a copy editor, you may want to re-think this tangled mess of tenses, typos, and punctuation. 😝

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😂 No problem!

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My youngest brother worked both as a teacher and longer in the county library system, and luckily, he gets credit for time worked combined, but with crooked Republicans running the show, he may miss out on benefits in the long and short run. The ONLY solution is to break the GOP stranglehold on the state since the 2011 REDMAP gerrymandered maps. Don't know how you educate voters who refuse to see what's been right in front of them for so long. Meanwhile, Project 2025 will be Ohio corruption on STEROIDS! DON'T vote for the GOP, people! They don't work for you!

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The STRS membership's biggest problem is and has been the OEA. The OEA-supported Board members held the majority of seats on the STRS Board for over 30 years. Those OEA-supported Board members voted for all of the mismanagement and misspending that is in place today. That is why all but one has been voted off of the Board, the exception, Carol Correthers and she will be gone next year if the politicians don't take over the STRS Board like they did the Department of Education. Where does the OEA stand today, they are totally against any reform at STRS and are not fighting for the rights of retirees receiving the COLA they were promised. Actually, The OEA sides with the STRS administration in stating that the 3% COLA was never guaranteed. They are traitors to the very teachers that supported them all through their careers. The OEA is an active teacher worst nightmare and yet, so few actives see it that way because they lack the understanding of what has been taking place at STRS for the past 30 years.

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I wonder if he is suggesting the same for his police and fire pension system which is set up like STRS but they don’t have to work as long.

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Called, sent message and shared on FB, as well as email to friends and family not on FB....Thanks for the heads up David!

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David, I agree with you on this State Rep & his dangerous proposal.

However, on this STRS matter you have been co-opted by ORTA and their claims are all accurate. This is not a partisan debate and not all retirees are with the "reformers." There are more facts and factors to be sorted out here.

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Oops, crucial error. I meant to say "their claims are NOT all accurate."

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