Horrifying times we are in and headed for due to unforgivable appeasement by those with the most power and authorities the last four years: President Biden and Vice President Harris & the Biden Harris Administration. We elected them with invincible efforts and action throughout 2020 in order for them to Save Our Democracy four years ago by heeding and fulfilling their sworn oaths to DEFEND to the best of their ability—including with the all-powerful Executive Branch and U.S. military, U.S. NATO, etc.—our U.S. Constitution (and its principles for the well-being of We the People) from domestic and foreign enemies (including Trump and all the collaborators in his orbit and puppeteers pulling his strings including Putin, Musk, Thiel, etc.). See the U.S. Presidential and Vice Presidential oaths at: usa.gov/inauguration which Joe and Kamala made.
As President and COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF, Joe Biden didn’t do nearly enough early enough as he was sworn in to do, and Vice President and Senate President Kamala Harris should have done far more to help him meet his oath by fulfilling her oath with more urgency to help Joe find the many urgent strategies and actions to prevent our nation’s fall this second and far more devastating time! Such unforgivable and apocalyptic failures by both public servants who promised us they were the best and only people for the jobs.
Fool me once, shame on [them] for leaving our government’s power and us to be abused by the evil traitors in the Republican Party across our government institutions who should have been arrested long ago for their treason with Trump and our archenemy Putin. Trump never should have been allowed on the ballot nor anyone in his circle. We worked, volunteered and donated out utmost to give President Biden and/or Vice President Kamala Harris and our Democratic Party another urgent second chance, but our nation was far too further captured by now to prevent Trump & Musk’s tricks, treason and takeover despite a close result that was also suspicious in so many swing states and the result of multiple forms of treason by Republicans working with our domestic and foreign enemies.
This rotten and compromised election is how we’re losing a decade long WWIII. Washington, Lincoln and FDR knew not to bow down to domestic and foreign enemies like Biden also promised he would not do in his strong 2024 State of the Union that “We (the U.S.) will not to bow down (to Putin and his armies anywhere) which he is now doing by handing us over "peacefully" (when it is unwarranted) to our enemies (including domestic and foreign terrorists), including handing over our entire federal government and military. Outrageous and unconscionable!
The dystopian situation in Atlas Shrugged is brought about because the people in government (portrayed as leftists) are the embodiment of the loyalists that will be taking over the government now, under the "rightists" vision. None of them were experts. They were all hangers-on promoted because of loyalty. Given that the lead-up to the MAGA movement was composed of Ayn Rand true believers, this is amazing to watch happen. Maybe you-all need to reactivate those Randian righties to attack this terrible situation.
Cannot like this, but definitely sharing.
Would these same people be willing to fly in a plane built & piloted by loyalists with no real experience?
Class action lawsuits!
Otherwise known as a 'purge'.
Horrifying times we are in and headed for due to unforgivable appeasement by those with the most power and authorities the last four years: President Biden and Vice President Harris & the Biden Harris Administration. We elected them with invincible efforts and action throughout 2020 in order for them to Save Our Democracy four years ago by heeding and fulfilling their sworn oaths to DEFEND to the best of their ability—including with the all-powerful Executive Branch and U.S. military, U.S. NATO, etc.—our U.S. Constitution (and its principles for the well-being of We the People) from domestic and foreign enemies (including Trump and all the collaborators in his orbit and puppeteers pulling his strings including Putin, Musk, Thiel, etc.). See the U.S. Presidential and Vice Presidential oaths at: usa.gov/inauguration which Joe and Kamala made.
As President and COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF, Joe Biden didn’t do nearly enough early enough as he was sworn in to do, and Vice President and Senate President Kamala Harris should have done far more to help him meet his oath by fulfilling her oath with more urgency to help Joe find the many urgent strategies and actions to prevent our nation’s fall this second and far more devastating time! Such unforgivable and apocalyptic failures by both public servants who promised us they were the best and only people for the jobs.
Fool me once, shame on [them] for leaving our government’s power and us to be abused by the evil traitors in the Republican Party across our government institutions who should have been arrested long ago for their treason with Trump and our archenemy Putin. Trump never should have been allowed on the ballot nor anyone in his circle. We worked, volunteered and donated out utmost to give President Biden and/or Vice President Kamala Harris and our Democratic Party another urgent second chance, but our nation was far too further captured by now to prevent Trump & Musk’s tricks, treason and takeover despite a close result that was also suspicious in so many swing states and the result of multiple forms of treason by Republicans working with our domestic and foreign enemies.
This rotten and compromised election is how we’re losing a decade long WWIII. Washington, Lincoln and FDR knew not to bow down to domestic and foreign enemies like Biden also promised he would not do in his strong 2024 State of the Union that “We (the U.S.) will not to bow down (to Putin and his armies anywhere) which he is now doing by handing us over "peacefully" (when it is unwarranted) to our enemies (including domestic and foreign terrorists), including handing over our entire federal government and military. Outrageous and unconscionable!
The dystopian situation in Atlas Shrugged is brought about because the people in government (portrayed as leftists) are the embodiment of the loyalists that will be taking over the government now, under the "rightists" vision. None of them were experts. They were all hangers-on promoted because of loyalty. Given that the lead-up to the MAGA movement was composed of Ayn Rand true believers, this is amazing to watch happen. Maybe you-all need to reactivate those Randian righties to attack this terrible situation.