Living within the truth can also entail great risks. Navalny died in prison.

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Most of us who are intentionally oppressed by the system already live within the truth.

We are being unjustly discriminated against, fired, indebited, jailed, pathologized, and murdered every day, right in front of your eyes, and have been since the founding of the country.

If you don't see this, that is on you.

We, the oppressed, are hoping the rest of you wake up someday, soon.

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I have been listening all day to accounts of the many ways that President Jimmy Carter lived his truth, both in office and for many years following. In a Terry Gross interview from the 90s he described how thwarted and angry with God he felt when he lost his first election to be Georgia's governor to the racist, Lester Maddux. And what he subsequently learned from his return to 'serving' others at a much lower status. After his rise to the highest office in the land, and subsequent fall - he again returned to service work. We have him to thank for an example of commitment to a life well spent.

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now read *Parable of the Talents* by Octavia Butler...

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David…this was excellent! I think that the only thing we can do individually is to maintain the promotion of the truth…we are really more than half the country…we need a better Media Echo Chamber to fight the MAGA one…we need politicians to be courageous and start fighting back in an effective way…I am so afraid the Dems are wandering in the abyss without organizing the proper fight…the powerful battle against our enemy. Read this article by Jamelle Bouie in the NYT ….please tell me what you think…https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/18/opinion/democrats-trump-opposition.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare

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We can do that and lots more. There are local grassroots group in cities and towns across the country. Join one, and if there isn't one, start one.

Working in concert with others living in truth multiplies our power to #ProtectOurFreedoms and #DefendDemocracy.

https://Indivisible.org actively supports people starting local groups and provides ongoing support for group leadership. They're not the only game in town, but they're a good one.

I also highly recommend downloading the Freedom Over Fascism toolkit, https://bit.ly/FreedomOverFascism.

It shows folks how to talk about what MAGA politicians are doing in ways that build cross-community solidarity and squarely place responsibility for societal problems where it belongs (spoiler alert, it's neither immigrants nor trans people).

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This same essay / parable was employed during the pandemic by anti-mask zealots, and it’s not a simple matter to articulate why they were wrong, though I believe they were. The same conundrum arises with arguments against propaganda and disinfo. These get weaponized by people in the opposite direction.

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Can't people just ignore the silly greengrocer.

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Good piece of writing. I like the power of we can all do something and that individual acts can spark things. A great inspiration for the start of 2025.

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"Sentence Donald Trump to a Mandatory Psychiatric Examination - Political/Legal Maneuverings do Not Change Medical Need"



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"Think of Donald Trump as one foot tall in diapers whenever you think of Donald Trump"

LIVE: Trump Cult Expert Reveals PSY-OPS that Swung Election | The Weekend Show


In a nutshell:

"Psyops goes after experts, science, democratic institutions so to try to create psychological means to create uncertainty and distrust to ready people for authoritarian influence."

"Victims obey psyops to commit treason through ideology, money, or blackmail."

"Humans are emotional, social beings, so Information overload looks for authoritarian certainty to relieve stress. First of all, we have states, we have governors, I live in Massachusetts which has a gay governor."

"People will lay down only if they believe they have to lay down, and I'm saying, come on we're Americans, we grew up knowing what Russia was like, China was like, we don't want to be Russia, we don't want to be just put into prison like Navalny and murdered, or poisoned, or have a plane blow up, so let's get real and roll up our sleeves and say 'Not on my watch'."

"I want to give people hope and to say, "You are not alone." We're Americans, we believe in the constitution, we believe in human rights, we believe in the rule of law, and anyone who wants to take away the rule of law and just say 'screw it, I'm the king', should irk us enough to action."

"Learn how to regulate your emotional states. Understand breathing is the most powerful way to change your consciousness. If you're feeling anxious, long slow exhales will calm down your nervous system."

"You need to be human. Get hugs, get kisses, eat well, get 7 to 9 hours of sleep, most people are sleep deprived and it's one of the BITE Model criteria of brainwashing. If you are sleep deprived you are not thinking clearly."

"We need people who are going to support independent journalism by subscribing."

"Lets destigmatize being ex-cult. Intelligent people can be hacked, there is life after cult, normalize it and let's connect with people who are in MAGA world so there's an off-ramp, you can share their stories."

A technique Hassan shares with his clients is to have them "visualize the cult leader to be a foot tall in diapers, so they're looking down and they laugh. Think of Donald Trump as one foot tall in diapers whenever you think of Donald Trump. It's gonna have a very different emotional attachment."

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The 2024 US Presidential Election was razor thin. Lots of room for Opposition against authoritarianism and towards democracy.

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How to Prevent "MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL"

❤️ Discredit totalitarian propaganda everywhere

🤣 Mock worship of dictators

❤️ Grow joyful unifying structures

❤️ c 1st 📈


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