How do you get your message out when people are being brainwashed with lies and propaganda on Fox, Newsmax, Oann, Sinclair Broadcast group, X, Russian paid influencers on social media, etc…? Even what used to be considered well respected papers and new channels like LA Times, NYT, Washington Post, CNN are doing the bidding of these right wing groups and even foreign adversaries. I hope someone has a great plan because we are really going to need it!

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The media is complicit. Democrats are screaming into a void. Corporate media refuses to cover Democratic successes. Their oligarch overlords won’t permit it.

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Good point about FDR. I hadn't thought about it, but his "fireside chats" might have been his administration's response to the obvious success of fascist propaganda in Italy and Germany. Radio was a big deal.

It's a little late for the Democrats to find a great communicator now, though. Things are going to get very difficult, and they're putting together a new team that looks just like the old team but without Joe and Kamala.

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Democrats don't need "a" great communicator, they need to figure out: 1) who they're serving,

2) what they're willing to fight for, and

3) create messaging that integrates 1&2

Then they ALL need to be bombarding alternative media with this messaging.

Relying on one great communicator won't work.

Relying on muddled economic platitudes with policies that tweak the edges won't work.

Unless Democrats ditch centrism and incrementalism, they'll hemmorage even more voters in 2026 and 2028.

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The bitsy spider once again. Biden/Harris delivered the goods, delivered new jobs to Red states. New infrastructure jobs to Red states. Fox pays a 750 million fine for their lies and they'll be screaming from TV sets again...

This sucks. What a price we're going to pay .. And how long will it take to clean up his mess. Will there be future elections? Will our hard worked retirement benefits be reduced? What polluted world will our kids inherit?

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Very easy answer - the right wing has a 24/7 propaganda network to dispute or lie about reality. The Dems do not. Cannot rely on the MSM to tell about the strong economy as they adopt the GOP framing so they can both sides their reporting. Remember for a long time we were cautioned about the coming recession amid the actual good jobs numbers

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Big part of it.

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Well said. The top of the Democratic party doesn't seem to understand or be cognizant the change that is needed. We need to be more aggressive if we want to save our democracy.

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Right before 2022 midterms, Tim Ryan was asked at a Fox townhall what he thought of Biden's call for action on gas price gouging. He responded 'Don't know the details, but given the prices they're charging and all the stock buybacks they're doing, we need to do something. ' The audience whooped its approval, causing Baier to move on hastily.

MTN has video of this on YouTube.

In the 2024 campaign, Harris called for anti price gouging law (only on groceries). It came out that at.least 37 States have such laws,but the Fed Gov't does not. And they cover more than groceries.

What if the D House had passed such law in summer 2022?:There was talk of an excess profits tax, but no major push, Porter didn't deploy her white board until Oct 20. But, if.....of course, the Senate Rs would have killed it. And THEY, not Biden, would have owned "greedflation".

That would have broken through, if Ds had messaged it relentlessly, talking of nothing else for weeks.

Matt Stoller just posted shots of comments on Ben Shapiro's defense of health insurers in wake of the shooting on YouTube. Didn't play worth a damn.Go have a look.

Post election, Sen Murphy publicized polling he had done in Connecticut showing overwhelming agreement with the statement that large corporations and economic elite have too much power,including 71% of Rs, iirc.

My drift, I hope, is clear. Nothing could unite people like going after predatory capitalists, and doing so in a way that breaks through. Ds missed a great opportunity in 2022, but there will be others.

And this "norm" of deference to markets and those that control them must cease altogether.

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American's are already not in a good mood. Actually many are seething......those that do NOT support Trump and NOW even those that supported him. As the Trump Crime Syndicate family "GRIFTERS ARE US" rolls out their FINANCIAL RAPE of America and the world - things will get much worse for everyone - and - then - them. American's have had enough of the BILLIONAIRES running things into the ground and destroying things just to satisfy themselves and their pocket books. And the new Trump administration is FULL of BILLIONAIRES and GRIFTERS everywhere! Musk and Ramaswamy will in no doubt blow it, by telling everyone else they have to take less ALL THE WHILE they and their BILLIONAIRE BUDDIES continue with their FINANCIAL RAPE of America and the world and stuff their pockets with loot! American's of all types and all stripes have to in no uncertain terms let every politician that supports the BILLIONAIRES and NOT them - we have had enough and you better start working for us and NOT the BILLIONAIRES.......Do NOT let them off the hook! Keep their feet to the fire! Let everyone and anyone know the damage they are doing! Keep the heat on them! Show and tell their FINANCIAL RAPE stories loud and often!!!

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Like the "financial rape" term...I have been using the term "morbidly rich," which I also like

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Why isn't anyone questioning the largest elephant in the room? Why did Donald win ALL 9 swing states with a small margin of the popular vote when Obama won 8 in a huge victory in 2008? Why would Donald not cheat in this election when his freedom was on the line like never before and when he cheated in both 2016 and 2020? Why were bomb threats only in swing states? What really went on with Elon's "lottery" and the over $250,000,000 that we know of so far that he put into getting his guy elected? There are way too many unanswered questions for Biden and Harris to just hand our country over to a band of billionaires and the billionaire wannabe who are intent on dismantling democracy.

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It never fails to shock and dismay how the American electorate has amnesia again and again. It keeps proving how powerful propaganda can be.

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Or maybe Putin and his witting and unwitting US surrogates have weaponized hate to such a level that the Dems just could not imagine. When the elite media tell liberals we need to "understand" the rural voter, is this what we're missing:


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We have to figure this out. Suppose Putin and others were trying to get Dems elected, what would be the social media operation?

We now have a generation of Americans who figure out what's true about the world based on influencers and content creators, who have no accountability to the truth. At least political satire is only funny if based on truth. How do we have a democracy in a post-enlightenment world, where there is no longer objective truth?? What can history (and even pre-history) teach us about this moment? The Enlightenment idea of a fact-based reality doesn't necessarily predate collaborative societies.

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The Ohio Republicans I know would effortlessly dismiss charts showing higher job growth under Dem presidents as lying propaganda. They would reject sources like the Washington Post or as inherently unreliable.

these GOP voters self-seal themselves behind a seemingly impenetrable barrier of podcasters and influencers who assure them that the Dems and the government are their enemies and the biggest obstacles to happier lives.

I don’t know how to breach that barrier either.

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Respectfully, I feel there are a couple of critical missing pieces needed to fully comprehend what happened, and why:

The economic pain has been so drastic and severe for the supermajority of Americans, with each metric only getting worse. We're past the breaking point of economic inequality. We've reached the social disorder, chaos, and anarchy stage, preceding the revolution stage.

The working class has, subconsciously, calculated that, if the political charades (and harmful policies) of the last 40-50yrs continue, it's bankruptcy, serfdom, and destitution for them and their offspring. That's why recent good trends aren't landing, or positively effecting the outcome - it's too little, too late.

The point I feel MSM is missing is that a voter can:

1. Be a Democrat/Liberal

2. Feel the economy is bad and going in the wrong direction (an objective truth for them). Not "currently", but in general, they are keenly aware, regardless of monthly GDP and job reports, the economy is bad - for "them". It's been consistently bad for them since graduating HS and outlook ahead, if we keep repeating our binary, whipsawwing, and more extreme choice each cycle, then they know their future is dark, and getting darker.

3. Choose to not vote,

(or vote and not vote for President) because, they could never vote for Trump, but a vote for Harris is to continue a generation of the political class's failure to fulfill their most basic purpose.

This is the reason Trump won. This election wasn't decided by who voted, it was decided by who didn't: the 2020 Biden voters who didn't vote, or did and left Presidential choice blank (confounding pollsters, leading some liberals to conjure conspiracy theories on how people voted for every race but POTUS). If they had, Harris would've won easily - wouldn't have been close.

The answer to the questions you pose are generational in pain and scope, reaching in time far beyond the last jobs report, or election cycle. The psychographic of the missing '20 voters in summary:

Class: middle, working, lots of blue collar (historically union democrats), struggling suburban, left leaning moderates

Belief(s): -

- The US is f*cked economically. Rich getting richer. My family is struggling harder than ever. My kids futures are screwed. Nothing is working well, everything is getting worse.

- I've been watching US public leadership become more extreme, less negotiable, and crazier each cycle - while "Rome is burning" for most Americans.

- I hate Trump, MAGA, and I know how disastrous Republican policies have been, but electing Harris feels like I'm rewarding, a political establishment (the two party duopoly) that has failed perennially, each more epic than the last.

- I'm frustrated. I've been fighting the same moronic political debates with Republican voters my whole life, and they still vote Republican - against their own self interest they don't see. So I'm done fighting. The only way these MAGA/Republican devotees will learn is to give them everything they want, all of it. Cuz until they can see it in full display, things will never change, and friends, neighbors, and family social cohesion continue disintegration fighting each other.

They're never going to learn. And things will never change, unless they do. So this is it. The only way forward is to go through the heart of it. Painful as it will be for many.

Advice I'm giving friends to get through what's to come: hone your EQ antannaes - become an angel of daily care, support, and protection of those who are going to be most harmed and effected during this time. Do not have fear of what's to come, that wastes your power. Instead, contemplate the worst, and spend your time preparing how you will be someone with plans to put our Humpty Dumpty government and constitution back again. That is, if there's anything left to put back together.

Inequality -> Anarchy -> Revolution (or Redistribution)

We recently entered the Anarchy stage. There is no going back once entered. Only two options now are Redistribution (ala The New Deal), or a Revolution of some form. Sadly, in this political climate, and Trump's reelection, I'm not too positive our country is choosing Redistribution.

Don't worry, it's not healthy, productive, nor helpful, to you or others.

Protect others diligently during this phase.

Prepare now on what to do when we reach the next stage.

The country is going to need strong leaders, with vision, insight, merit, and well thought out blueprints, to ensure our future is bright for all.

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One other observation, the FDR fireside chat analogy doesn't comport with modern media availability, distribution, and self selection. Those conditioned to believe, will hear it. Those who aren't won't - or they'll believe it's lies and misinformation.

Media industry is as complicit and responsible for our current problems as any industry, or institution. They got played by Leonard Leo, Murdoch, lobbyists, and now Elon. The corrosive effect it's had on modern culture is criminal in scope and practice. Unfortunately, there's no way to hold anyone, or organization, accountable.

I wish our Founders had understood the Paradox of Intolerance to communities, culture, and social cohesion.

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FDRs fireside chats have something in common with DJT communication: FDR was talking directly to voters, not to middle men, reporters, his cabinet...he was talking to voters as his family. DJT does that too, which I think is how he has won...refuting daily, personally to his voters, his dismal view of the USA.

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A Rob, below, is right on! Now that they control all three branches of government AND the media how do we stop them? Can it be done on the State level? I, too, hope someone has a great plan because we are really going to need it!

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It's mind boggling and the Media Won't Report on it. Thank You, for your post this morning ☕ and will reStack ASAP 💯👍❄️🌲⛄

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