Sad to witness Elise Stefanik’s continued moral suicide along with the missing integrity of so many others.

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she’s so low on the moral scale, she will do any and everything to hold on and gain more power!!

she doesn’t care who she steps on or what lies she spews!!

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I would be curious as to your opinion whether Stefanik's remarks will play into the 2024 races of the NY GOP reps who won in Biden districts. First they all voted for MAGA Mike Johnson and now a fellow NY GOP congress critter is calling domestic terrorist/insurrectionists "hostages". I wonder how the term will be received in light of the current Israeli hostages held by Hamas.

I am hoping that the Lincoln Project ad "Not Hostages" is getting wide play in New York and the rest of the country..


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You always hit the nail on the head. If I were religious, I would say Amen and Hallelujah. Preach on, David.

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But our media is complicit in this "Big Lie", and the likes of Kristen Welker need to be publicly fired for incompetence. Any journalist worth a grain of salt would have had a field day with that traitor, but it seems the billionaires have bought the truth they want us to believe. Thanks to you, David, and others here on Substack for doing your best to give us the real truth.

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I can’t see how the NYS bar association don’t sanction Stefanik, for her outlandish claims including being a election denier and brazenly lying on a regular basis . shouldn’t there be some type of ethical responsibility being part of the bar association

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This revisionist American history costs our democracy every day and is being actively resurrected in service to the current white supremacy efforts. The rise in white supremacy is just the current iteration of the same battle: should the few (historically white male landowners, now privileged persons afraid of being 'replaced') make decisions for the many?? Not according to our democratic ideals!

As John Lewis said, "Freedom is not a state; it is an act." We have the opportunity- and seeming necessity- to GET IT RIGHT this time. Let's actively push back on these fear-mongering narratives and deny them the nourishment to take root and grow. Do not allow authoritarians to gather power and control. Vote BLUE up and down the ballot, then work in support of strong public education, voting and human rights, etc.

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I think Clemenceau said, "History is a series of strange tricks the living play on the dead."

We have neo-Nazis who tell us the Holocaust never happened, neo-Confederates and racists who worship "The Lost Cause," conspiracy theorists who tell us all manner of lunacy, and 150,000 people are members of the "Flat-Earth Society," whose newsletter's editors craftily sneaked in a reference in their subscription ad: "We have members all over the globe!"

But conspiracy theories make a random and often disorganized world easily explainable and coherent. Scrape past the Bilderbergers, Freemasons, Council on Foreign Relations, Datan, and even the British Royal Family, and they usually blame the Jews. A convenient catch-all.

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Have mercy on us all! I suppose that Al Capone was a hostage too! I’m wondering just how willfully ignorant MAGAs are!

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Thank you! Thank you! for what you’ve written here and previously! (And kudos also for putting it all in perspective and context.)

As a student of history and as one that likes to give credit where it’s due, here’s been my concern for too many years: Not only has Trump --and those on his behalf-- been a genius “brander /marketer” for decades, but also way too good at propaganda no matter what the “Big Lie” du jour.

My questions /concerns: why are the Dems and the “right thinking” even if not formally Dems not seeking out the genius-equivalents to either rapidly counter and better yet: anticipate and “get there first?

And more particularly, who are the geniuses that can go to bat for the DEMS and Pres. Biden? (I am specifically referring to “branding, marketing, “push back” / anticipating/ but not “Big Lies” of their own.

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