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Final Sprint Pep Talk

Extend the Pro-Freedom, Pro-Democracy Winning Streak

Last debate is done.

We’re about to hit the 30-day mark.

Polls show a tight race in so many places.

The stakes are huge. Democracy itself is on the line, among so many other things.


And Trump seems to be getting more unhinged by the day.

And, have no doubt, more “October (and November) surprises” are coming.

My guess is everyone reading this is stressed. Nervous. Even scared. Given the stakes, how could you not be?

But…know this amid your stress….ever since Dobbs, we remain on one heck of a winning streak.

That streak has defied polls and even defied history (usually, the party in control of the White House loses most races in between presidential elections).

Even better news, the factors that have fueled that winning streak remain present right now. Right there for the taking.

WATCH the VIDEO above to see why….

Then commit to do all you can in this home stretch to score victories up and down the ballot. We can win for the very reasons we’ve put this winning streak together.

What to Do? Three Things…

If you’re looking for what to do in the final weeks, I’ll give you three basic activities:


If you want to give some dollars, I’d suggest giving to overlooked races which have a huge impact on democracy. And where your money goes a lot further.

A few options:

There remain big opportunities to make a difference at the Statehouse level. Help your local candidate if you can.

And know that we have a chance to flip statehouses, and protect recently gained majorities in others. My best advice here is follow the guidance of the States Project. They make it easy to give to “tipping point” states, and direct the funds to key candidates. Here’s a link to that page, and opportunities to help.

Even better, the States Project will be doing a call on Sunday, Oct. 6 (7 p.m.) about further opportunities to make a difference. Go HERE to join it.

Democracy and freedom will also be determined by state supreme courts. The most important Supreme Court races are right where I live in Ohio. (Our only chance to flip a court in the nation). Huge implications, so give HERE if you can.

Another pivotal Supreme Court race is Allison Riggs in North Carolina—another state in desperate need of a balanced court, and Justice Riggs is a star. You can give to her HERE.


Please give of your time as much as you can spare.

If you’re a postcarder, thank you! You’ve got a few weeks left to keep writing.

Also, please sign yourself up to make phone calls or knock on doors. The democracy winning streak has been fueled by higher turnout on our side than their’s. More energy from activists has translated to more voters on Election Day.

Those phone calls and door knocks make a HUGE difference in turning out the vote. Every shift matters. Do as many as you can up until election day.

There are numerous ways to get going on calls and door knocks—my best advice is to find your local or state party’s website, find a local candidate you like, or even sign up at the Kamala Harris website.

However you start, please do.

Do every shift you can until Election Day.


Every person reading this email has a network. Family, friends, social media, online, etc.

Be sure you communicate to all your networks about why, from your perspective, it’s so important that folks vote this year. Help people vote, and for those interested, help them know how they too can volunteer.

Back in the old days, we remember that presidential candidates had communication “war rooms.” But with social media these days, we all are in the “war room.” We all can move the needle.

Use every network you have to spread the word. That’s what I do!

Extend the Winning Streak….

Folks, the ahitoric, poll-defying winning streak we’ve build is not an accident. It’s not luck.

We built it because 1) the other side is too extreme and 2) we’ve been working so hard for years, leading to higher turnout than expected on our side.

Keep it going until the end.

Keep the streak going.

Win up and down the ballot.


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