
Report from the Field: The Attack on Freedom in Portage County...

...Where A Sheriff Wants to Police Yard Signs. Help FIGHT BACK.

Please watch the video above, which I recorded last night in Kent (Portage County).

…that’s right…

The Sheriff of Portage County (not far from Cleveland and Akron, and home of Kent State), posted the following about citizens who display Harris/Waltz yard signs in the county he swears an oath to protect and defend (along with the US Constitution)…

And as a result of this post, people began immediately posting yard sign locations, as well as even some names….

So…I’ve taught election law over the years, and in many of those years, have focused a good deal on political speech. And as I explained last night in Kent (I was already scheduled to speak there about the need to pass Issue 1)…

…the political yardsign is as core as political speech gets. As protected as First Amendment activity gets.

Why? Because…

  1. it’s political expression

  2. it’s your own damn yard!

So…no, Sheriff! You don’t get to tell citizens that government—let alone law enforcement—will treat citizens differently in any manner based upon what political speech they express in their own damn yard.

Doing so crosses as bright a line of freedom as exists.

And be clear: amid all sorts of lawlessness and norm breaking, this is yet another test. Because if government can start doing what this Sheriff is suggesting in America, and we normalize it, it’s yet another infringement on our basic freedom.

And if even one citizen in Portage County takes down a yard sign because of what he’s saying (he’s doubled down since that post), or doesn’t put one up, the damage to freedom is already being done.

Fortunately, there’s an alternative we can pursue. And that is to stand up to this.

Along those lines, I met the Sheriff’s opponent last night. His name is Jon Barber.

Jon has decades of law enforcement experience…and he’s someone who respects freedom and freedom of expression. He also told me some good news: in response to his opponent’s public intimidation against Harris yardsigns, MORE citizens have actually requested those signs. They are refusing to be bullied. (And I can confirm that I saw tons of signs in my drive into the County).

WATCH Jon describe the situation here:

Since the Sheriff’s outrageous post, Jon has received support from across the country.

If you are so inclined, send a message about freedom by also helping John’s campaign. Give HERE.

We will NEVER normalize attacks on freedom and democracy. We will NOT be bullied.
