A world tour of malice and ignorance. Wow. Thank you for being here and for cataloguing those amazing/pathetic responses.

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Exactly why I deleted my Xitter account as soon as it went to musk. You just don’t have to do more than see how average annual temperatures have increased over the last 20 years to go 🤔🤔🤔🤔

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David, Thank you for enduring the all not so surprising response you question generated on X (formerly Twitter), given it is a platform for the cretins that continue to roost and have flocked there since Musk’s takeover.

Misconceptions, disinformation and willful ignorance of the science and causes behind man made increases in the rate of climate change continues to envelop twenty to thirty percent of Americans. It’s a vocal minority and shares a good chunk on a Venn diagram with those that are fans of the 45th president, employed in oil and gas industries, are anti-environmentalists, many followers of evangelical christian faiths that are convinced the earth is only several thousand years old, and have no problem with forcing their ideology, cast in stone and law, onto the rest of the country.

I also want to comment how much your son, sporting those fashionable eclipse shades resembles his dad.

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Amazing to see the number and range of misconceptions about climate change. I especially liked the one that listed "predictions" year-by-year when nearly all of the items in the list are media-based speculations about what might happen and not outright predictions of what will happen.

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Not at all surprised by the heat your question generated. This barrage of lies and misinformation is why I started my substack, The Climate Beat. chrystiemunves.substack.com

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Wow David - a firehose of ignorance. I couldn't bear to read them. I found the results of your 'experiment' of posting the same question interesting - it demonstrates that Twitter/X has devolved into a morass of hate and disinformation. I know we need to keep pushing back, but how exhausting!

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For those in denial who want to know more, read David Lipsky's book "The Parrot and the Igloo: Climate and the Science of Denial". You will learn that we've been fed false information for decades. Climate change is here NOW.

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Whoo hoo THAT was fun! Thank god for those few understandable (chaos theory- I looked it up and am now a fan) responses. I am also in awe of those who do the math and help we dumbasses who focus on societal issues and politics and wanting the world to be better all around can understand it all.

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Most of the people who ignore scientists' predictions about climate change it's because they themselves are either IGNORANT or in DENIAL

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All I can say is, wow. And who knew the depth of, dare I say ignorance?

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Posting on Twitter, X (whatever) like swimming thru the ocean.

Why I don’t go swimming in the ocean? Because there are unseen creatures that can eat you.

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Anybody need any MORE reason to never go near X?? Personally, "social" media is not a place I care to venture into. Kudos to your bravery, Mr. Pepper.

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I love the list of "predictions" that were wrong. It highlights that deniers won't tolerate any science that lacks the precision and accuracy of celestial mechanics. In other words, deniers are specialists in superstition.

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I watched the documentary Merchants of Doubt (I think there is a book to). It showed a few of the paid clowns that went on TV and other media to spread the propaganda that climate change isn't real.

It is sad to see the responses to your question (how many are probably Russian Propagandists?). If they are real, it is like a little child holding their hand over their eyes to hide (thinking that you can't see them). They feel like if they pretend that climate change isn't real that it won't affect them. I weep for my 8-year olds' future.

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Thank you for conducting this experiment, and sharing the results. As I was reading through the tweets I was imagining much worse it might have been had you posted your question on "Trump" Social. Hopefully no one here swims in that toxic cesspool, not even from a sense of morbid curiosity!

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Thank you for this!

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