Sep 11Liked by David Pepper

“A Man You Can Bait With a Tweet Is Not a Man You Can Trust With Nuclear Weapons”

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I was laughing so hard when he brought up the idea that immigrants were eating the pets! He was unhinged, he couldn’t handle her or his own emotions. I would have liked her to tell him inflation was at 2.5% , border crossings are at a four year low. There’s still time for the statistics to speak for themselves.

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And his evidence to back up his claim about people eating pets? “I saw it on TV!” Good grief. If you were teaching a course in writing, and a student tried to bolster his argument by asserting that he saw it on TV, you would have to have a serious talk with that student.

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Despite all the noise of the muted microphone, which works in Trump’s favor, once he started speaking out of turn, they unmuted him! The result was effectively unmuted mics.

Harris baited him and time and time again he took the bait, eagerly even, with the hook set hard. The most important thing happened: he literally started unraveling on stage in front of the American people and the world. Harris just calmly watched with various expressions of alarm and amusement. Never get in you enemy’s way when they are destroying themselves.

It’s important to contextualize Trump accurately: he is our enemy. He’s against Democracy, decency, normalcy, compassion, patriotism and many more things the bind us into a society. He is a dictator and his promises of retribution and violence are the only things he says that are true. Even worse, his progressing dementia makes him even more dangerous. Dr. Bandy Lee has been ringing the alarm bell with all her might. Most media outlets have been ignoring the alarm, sane washing his lunacy.

Watch enablers like Rich Lowery try to defend the indefensible was laughable and disgusting at the same time. Beware the enablers.

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I watched it early this morning thanks to a full replay available on my phone. I was so impressed by Kamala’s ability to stay focused on her mission. Even the far right media outlets can’t spin it any way but a huge loss for their candidate.

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The one thing that I've read in follow ups following the debate, is that she didn't address the specific question of if you are better off now then you were 4 years ago.

Well I can only think of a few things - we aren't living in fear of dying by covid any longer, we can buy toilet paper from anywhere and gas prices are lower now then at the end of Rumps term. In addition the stock market is gangbusters and is higher now than at any point of the previous presidents term. Also unemployment is low, inflation is in check (although prices are higher now than before) and the real earnings of people has actually outpaced these price increases.

Overall she kicked his butt in the debate and I am so proud to support her.

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I am impressed that Kamala hasn’t complained about the fact that both “moderators” didn’t cut tRUMP off & that when she asked for a rebuttal Lindsey cut her off…

Letting tRUMP spout off may have helped her BUT Kamala was not given a fair shake at getting a deserved rebuttal in. This should be viewed as unequal treatment and IMHO should not be taken lightly. 🪷💙🇺🇸💙🪷

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With a little luck there is a very small chance Ohio will vote Blue. The Springfield, OH comment may put Ohio on the radar as a "swing" state for both parties. Don Jr is in NW Ohio today. I hope Walz comes here soon.

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I am saddened to see that some people I know believe she somehow cheated to win. Her earrings were speakers are just another way of saying a woman, or specifically Kamala Hariis has no merit and she couldn't possibly have worked for what she has achieved.

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I did not watch it live (I can't stand the stress) so I'm watching a replay in bits. What is more interesting than anything else is watching Trump's face as he's forced to listen to Harris, without the ability to interrupt, or move around. His face is literally puffed with frustration as he tries to keep his expressions under control. (He received extensive coaching while a reality TV star.) The most telling moment was when Harris went into crowd size. He eyes shift up to the left, and then widen and go palpably insane, like cartoon eyes. That's when he becomes unhinged. But, I think he was in more control and made more (inane) sense than the typical Democratic commentators credit him.

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The words of a man with experience in the business. However, I will suggest that a debate with DJT is not, in the true sense, a debate. So it is erroneous to say DJT "won" a debate. DJT NEVER talks about policy. For example, on climate change, he won't say: we will join the Paris Agreement; we will enact a carbon tax to reduce emissions." You get my drift. It is never a debate with DJT. It is a lie fest. How can you judge a debate when one candidate tells wholesale lies and the other tries to (a) counter the lies and (b) articulate their policies? It is not debate. Unfortunately, too many Americans are stupid; 71 million of them. No other way to tell it. -- from Down Under.

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don-old said he won’t debate her again. Not even if it’s FOX. So there you have it. I think even he realizes how bad he was last night.

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I was impressed at how she talked to the cameras but also turned and talked about Trump while she was looking at him. And not once during the 90 minutes that I watched did he EVER look her way. Pure DOMINANCE! It was like a mom scolding her teenage son. I absolutely loved watching it!

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I’m glad you said this as I don’t think this point is getting enough attention. He glowered and showed such contempt for her, why? Because she’s a woman? Or he’s afraid of her? Or he knows he can’t bully her? He hates women and that was on full display last night. I always try to figure out why any woman would support him. My theories are not kind.

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I was happy to see Kamala keeping it together under pressure, unlike the orange menace. But it's important for normal people to remember that Trump's lies don't work against him with the MAGA crowd. They know he's lying, and they don't care, or they think it's funny. And they will repeat those lies without batting an eye, because he's their protection from the godless people who are threatening their children with "forced sex-changes" and "communism."

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Vice President Harris showed her comand of the issues and the facts. She was strong and clearly Presidential. Donald showed himself to be an easily goaded angry man. He is toast. It wasn't even close.

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