Biden gave an extraordinary speech at D-Day Remembrance in France.

He is first president to join a picket line, the first to go into active conflict zones (in Ukraine and Israel). He has pushed Russia back and defeated COVID.

His opponent drives golf carts.

I'm riding with Biden.

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Republicans get by on endless victimization. No one whines more, no one complains more, no one looks weaker. Pathetic - calling our heroes "suckers and losers"

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The undelivered JFK quote!

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Thank you for this summary. I have made many similar comments about the Democrat’s approach to public facing attitudes and imaging for the past year. I’ve not read his book and he may have commented, but an additional observation is their internal bickering about “me first” on relatively unimportant issues that do not relate to coalescing into a single voice to win an election always takes precedence. It’s not so much that those matters should not be addressed as it is the timing. Win first, push agenda items later. As Fish pointed out, countering the public leadership perspective of Republican dominating language is more important than pushing a specific agenda.

If Biden leaves the race, who replaces him?

Secondarily, where is the talk about Trump leaving the race? He has been sued more than 3,000 times since graduating from college. Fraud, misrepresentation, breach of contract, sexual assault, rape, is a documented sexual predator, and more. He lies, inflates, and misrepresents everything about his life and accomplishments, and is speaking incoherently at his rallies. Where are the comments that he is unfit for office and should be removed? Are the American people really ready to bow down to a craven monster? Have that actually taken a hard look at who and what he is?

If Biden is replaced, it’s critical that whomever that is must be able go after Trump publicly in an aggressive manner.

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I agree with much of what you’ve written except that I believe we should stay the course with Biden. Just make sure all the dirt on Trump gets broadcast far and wide!

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Agree in principle, but the growing oppositional noise is drowning out reason. Unfortunately about a third of the noise is from GOP folks masquerading as D’s, per a survey last week. About half of the D‘s in the survey said Biden should bail. But, most of the public only sees the 71-72% Biden opposition figures.

I was just on Zoom call with a colleague in The Netherlands who said his perception is that Biden is too old, but only because of his lack of energy in combatting Trump’s Gish Gallop presentation style, not because of Biden being thoughtful in his responses (which my colleague and I both think is better).

Either way, there aren’t any surefire alternatives and the whole gang of democraticItoldyouso’s will be bitterly mouthy no matter the outcome, and continue the focus breaking division process of the past.

Harris is a wildcard. I lived in CA when she was AG and was thoroughly unimpressed with her performance and public presence. She hasn’t improved since then in my view. I would be very reluctant to follow her lead into battle.

Whitmer? Newsom? …??? It’s all about presence and perception and who has those?

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Brilliant advice!

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I'm ready. It is time to reclaim our Democracy.

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There was never any sense in those "logical", economic reasons for Trumpism (which is why one could tell instantly that JD Vance was a fraud). Raving crowds like we see at Trump rallies aren't thinking about anything. They are running on brainstem and bile.

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Agree with much, but Clinton and Obama lacked character, and their neo-liberal and austerity policies betrayed their base, and ultimately led to our current demise, along with Republican complicitness.

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Considering republican obstructionist Mitch McConnell against every critical policy for the Democratic base was more a Senate imbalance than bad character of Clinton and Obama. IMO

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No doubt that was a factor, but only after witnessing weakness in the latter, and his unwillingness to muck it out in the face to face with Congress. Besides, both Clinton and Obama sold their souls to Wall St. and sold out Main St. which goes along with McConnell and Friends. After Citizens United, both parties are only after the money now.

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Selling their souls to Wall Street was how we all felt at that time and some who lost everything still feel that way. But, the USA saved itself and possibly the economy of the world by doing what had to be done to save the face value of the American dollar and our economy. We are still the most powerful economy in this world producing more oil than any other nation and we are the #1 military peace force.

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Reading the comments points out to me how few people seem to understand there is actually one single issue facing the American People and the Democratic Party right now.

The primary issue is 100% about removing the influence of The People’s main enemy, corporate and oligarch influence and greed in America by rallying behind a single trusted leader.

Who is the person who can win the November election by dominating Trump Gish Gallop lie and disinformation filled public banter as the sole representative of The People’s multicultural plurality of individuals in a fight that will take years, if not decades, to win? Biden? Harris? Who???

The issues ARE NOT about nebulously “saving democracy” or any of the many individual items championed by well intended folks in the Democratic Party spectrum.

Focusing on any individual issue sucks energy from the main focus of fixing the primary problem, removing the unchecked corporate and oligarchical influence, greed and power in America that caused all of the individual issues.

The long list individual issues boils down to the long term impacts of corporate and oligarch influences and greed that started under Reagan TO LOWER THEIR COSTS, INCREASE PROFITS, AND INCREASE SHARE VALUES, ALL AT THE EXPENSE OF THE PEOPLE, THEIR CONSUMER TARGETS.

Their plan was to slowly starve and demean The People over a long period of time and they are close to winning.

Whomever that leader is, he or she must win the full support of The Multicultural People and silence all dissension. Nobody will be 100% satisfied, but everyone must rally and fight together as a unified whole to win, like immediately.

ANY dissension will allow Trump to win and America is lost forever. His day one dictator plans and Project 2025 guarantee that outcome if he wins.

Consider that corporate and oligarch raw greed and profit influences created ALL of the issues impacting the People today: the lack of high paying job availability after offshoring 60,000 companies, eliminating union rights, keeping low level jobs with low individual pay and income, corporate greed driven inflation, no public healthcare, attacks on women’s reproductive healthcare, threats to Social Security, no public infrastructure maintenance, reduced public education, voting and civil rights suppression, ignoring climate change, high rates of environmental pollution, vastly increased deficit spending due to low corporate taxes, corporate monopolies wiping out local businesses, a lack of updated and effective immigration policies, wholesale rewriting American history to whitewash its actual racial bias and history. Then, include Trump’s smokescreen lies and deflections about mythically high crime rates, allowing Putin to take Ukraine, exiting the UN, the mythical migrant horde border crossing, political revenge, diversion of campaign fund greed and nepotism, support for Putin and Orban style governmental structures, deportation camps, and military supported martial law. Other debilitating results are Congressional polarization, the rise of WCN theocracy, gender, abortion and birth control elimination efforts, a very corrupt Supreme Court and federal judiciary, and Trump’s long 2020 effort culminating in the 1/6 insurrection to stage a presidential coup and remain in power. If Trump loses the November 2024 election, his efforts to stage another coup will be far more disruptive than 2020.

Each of these items is devastating and deserves close attention. But their true power is realized by including all of them in a single attack to eliminate their source: corporate and oligarchical influence and greed since Reagan.

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As a Canadian watching American politics, i have one wish -- that Democrats "would fight for Democracy, and stop fighting against Trump!"

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As a naturalized American, former Brit, who lived for a year or so in Canada, I think our fighting against Trump IS fighting for Democracy.

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Maybe I did not say it correctly, but fighting Trump is still making him the centre of attention. Democrats need to make America front and centre, and put good government at the top of their platform, and leave Trump as an afterthought, which is all he deserves.

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That's always a sensible rule, and we do have to have something to offer Americans, but we also need to deal with bullies. If you've watched Trump closely, he's not special. He's just a typical bully, and he tends to be afraid of people who challenge him. He's not used to it and it catches him by surprise. Look at how Pelosi got under his skin, in an especially irritating (for him) polite and civil manner. I.e., she's showing followers of Trump a better example, but also showing them that she's strong and WILL come out if he gets too big for his britches. I tend to avoid the Pelosi types because they usually support corporate policies, but ya gotta admire the lady!

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For all interested in how we project a strong message based on our history, look up Democrats 101 book by Jim Purvis and the website that will connect you with a strong growing national movement that we should continue to build.

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“Fish concludes by laying out a ‘national-democratic narrative’ he recommends Democrats assert. ‘America’s glorious story is all over the place. Democrats can and should be looking for examples of it and telling them all the time.’

He cites the closing words of this speech by JFK:

“For this country is moving and it must not stop. It cannot stop. For this is a time of courage and a time of challenge…So let us not be petty when our cause is so great. Let us not quarrel amongst ourselves when our Nation’s future is at stake. Let us stand together with renewed confidence in our cause—united in our heritage of the past and our hopes for the future—and determined that this land we love shall lead all mankind into new frontiers of peace and abundance.”

Never heard these words? Most haven’t.

This was the speech Kennedy intended to give in Austin, Texas, the day he was assassinated.” 😢

Remember: Are we EVER to choose to remain down as a nation when we get knocked down so horribly? Or do we do what our steadfast President Joe Biden reminds us to do? “When you get knocked down, you get back up!”

Let’s go, Joe and all: We must continue to save our nation, a livable planet, our stalwart allies like Ukraine and NATO against our shared archenemies, and our advancing multi-racial and diverse democracy for us and future generations.

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Please send this to Biden's campaign team! If there was ever any people who needed to understand this, it is them. The failed miserably in prepping him for tRump's Gish Gallop.

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You are so, so right. Just ordered the book. If we let the media win this battle, we very likely lose the war against tyranny. The press is 'obeying in advance'. (Or worse) This is Joe Biden's great moment. It feels as important as the election that he assert his authority here.

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Much good to recommend within!!

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It's what people refer to as a 'strongman'. People wanted something/someone different and trump was it. He saw the opportunity. He saw Democrats and his opponents as weak. That's it.

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I think every political reporter should be required to watch 5 years of the WWE in order to understand the tactics of the wingnuts.

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