Lordy mama. "no more believe that the restaurant was warranting the absence of bones in the items than believe that the items were made from chicken wings." Nah, if I order chicken wings and get drumsticks--or pork chops--that's just my bad luck. As someone with celiac disease who has a VIOLENT reaction to gluten I will certainly cite this to resist any claims to damage to tablecloths or other diners from my projectile vomiting.

A negligence suit is based on what a reasonable person would think--that's the jury's job.

This bodes ill for the effects of deregulation of the food industry, not to mention courts being the ones to decide what regulations mean.

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There are some days and some situations where I should just train myself to ask “ What would a MAGA adherent do or think?” or “How would a MAGA judge rule or MAGA politician want for policy?” And then instinctively do the opposite. Luckily, I’m already there; just use common sense, kindness, and rule of law and justice.

Where do these people get their scrambled brains and thought process? Or lack there of.

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When a menu says “boneless chicken wings” the diner has no right to expect chicken wings at all…on that we should agree…but it is not unreasonable to expect the food to be boneless! Accidents happen, and when they cause injury, lawsuits happen. The OH SC kicking this case is judicial activism at its finest…tort reform by decree. Republicans seem to think the courts are where their wishlist of unpopular policies can be enacted with the wave of an unaccountable wand.

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"A diner reading 'boneless wings' on a menu would no more believe that the restaurant was warranting the absence of bones in the items than believe that the items were made from chicken wings"

Wait. What are chicken wings made out of if not chicken wings? (I don't eat meat, so maybe I'm missing some data to understand this point, though I have pet chickens who do, in fact, have wings)

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Boneless wings are breast meat processed to resemble the shape of the meatier part of a wing, and prepared in the manner of wings…fried and slathered in hot sauce. They are kissin’ cousins of “chicken fingers”.

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Bonkers and dangerous

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Shared on my FB page. Please, everyone, do the same. And on any other social media you participate in. This is the absurdity that everyone needs to be aware of. Thank you, Mr. Pepper, for shining a light on this.

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Can fish filet contain the entire bone structure?

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A fish filet should have no bones, but in truth it is difficult to completely remove all bones from some kinds of fish, especially in a high volume process. The presence of a bone or bone fragment in a filet should not surprise any diner. BUT, if harm is caused and it can be proven reasonable care was not taken to prevent it, a lawsuit should be allowed to proceed to settlement or trial. This decision seems to have undermined the normal process and set a bad precedent.

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A fragment of fish bone is a far cry from a wing bone

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OK. Even more reason to allow a lawsuit to be filed. My point is this know-nothing Ohio SC judge set an awful precedent based on his own ignorant prejudice against personal injury law, long a bete noire of right wing politicians. And no, I am not a lawyer and I don’t idolize “ambulance chasers”, but some injuries cry out for legal action.

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Are Ohio's courts any crazier than SCOTUS...protect businesses at all costs? Oh yes, the cost of people's health and lives. I keep wondering what planet I live on. Sigh.

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No matter where you go and what you do, when enough believers get together, they create hell on earth. You would think it would be just the opposite but when you look down from 50,000 feet anywhere on the planet, believers are the enemies of peace and tranquility and the promoters of fascism, monarchs and oligarchs. Nothing gets people to abuse or kill other people like a belief system.

People believe Trump has the answers they are looking for. That is why no one can present them with a fact that will change their minds.

Enough Ohioans believe what they are told by the propagandists, and no one can de-program them.

And people can be told about the underlying issues as in this post, and all the people that could change things in Ohio just don’t want to believe it.

The people like this author and Democrats are presenting factual information about a problem that endangers the entire country. And too many others are going to discount it for not being within their belief system.

This bizarre verdict from a State Supreme Court highlights the ridiculous amount of ignorance and bigotry that judges and elected officials are capable of. Supreme Courts do not exist to decide cases, they are there to demonstrate the legitimacy of the law.

This Ohio Court just showed Ohioans that they have no law.

I wonder what all those judges in Ohio will be doing now that they have no reason to exist?

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