Great news to start the day. Thank you, David, and all the Florida activists. I’m going to contribute a bit to this worthy cause. Every little bit helps!

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David Pepper Forgot to say I contributed $250.

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Thank you!

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I have a friend in Florida who will be supporting and voting for them. The GOP has stomped on rights that are personal to her family.

Fantastic Florida! Ohio and Missouri are making progress. May every race in the USA have at least 2 candidates so we can all have a choice.

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I try to stay informed on politics in my home state but had no idea that my party had managed to get candidates in every district. That’s incredible! I am a tiny blue dot in ruby red Lake county, a once rural bedroom community to Orlando, and I often have no one to vote for in local elections. Thank you for this! I’m going over to Act Blue right now. First though, the recent death of my favorite Florida governor/Senator, Bob Graham, reminded me of the 2000 Gore election. I had forgotten that Gore considered picking Bob Graham as VP but ultimately chose lackluster Lieberman. If he had picked Graham, though, he would have won Florida by a wide margin because we all adored Graham. Opportunity lost—we would never have had to suffer through GWB and would be further ahead in the climate change battle by now. Off to donate—thank you so much!!

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Ciao from Rome David - as a Florida voter living abroad this is awesome news! Just a reminder to all of your followers that US citizens living or studying abroad can vote and that there are a lot of us! Just think in Democrats Abroad Italy alone there are nearly 300 Florida voters. So if you know anyone who will not be in the US for the election tell them to request an overseas ballot from https://votefromabroad.org. Our overseas votes can be the margin of victory in tight races!

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Good luck. 60% is a tall order. Here in the backwaters of Ohio, we got to 57% and Florida has almost 1 million more registered Republicans.

My fear is that they will cross over, vote to restore Roe, then vote for the Republican candidate.

I’m guessing the felon voting restoration, with what 70% passage?, taught them nothing. Can they vote now? Nope.

The republican legislature made it impossible.

You cannot trust republicans. They will chip away at anything democratically passed by the voters.

Vote out every single one of them.

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We have two big marquee amendments on the ballot this year—the abortion rights amendment and the marijuana legalization effort. Seems to me that voters positive towards legal marijuana would also be pro blue candidates (and abortion rights), though not necessarily. Still, it can’t hurt and should interest younger voters who aren’t entrenched republicans. I’m seeing LOTS of slick, well produced ads promoting the benefits of legal pot (yes, I’m old; that’s what we called it in the ‘70s.) I think there’s a lot of $$$ behind that amendment and that’s fine with me. I agree that 60% is a stupid high threshold and that the red right wing legislature and jerk governor can do what they did with the felon voters amendment—which is block it. But I have hope this year, for the first time in a long time.

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I hope for you Susan,

We, too, had a legalization of pot on the ballot at the same time.

Still only got to almost 57%..which would be difficult to believe given we have Ohio State University with 50,000 plus students.. if it weren’t for all the voter suppression put in place by the Republithugs…

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I got a call out of the blue (blue, lol, literally) Saturday from an organizer working with Yes on 4, the group working to pass Florida’s abortion rights amendment. I start training to phone bank on Thursday night! If Yes on 4 is organized enough to reach out to me, of all people, given that I’ve not volunteered since 2016 and have only donated my tiny amounts to Democratic-leaning causes since then, maybe they’re organized enough to get to 60%. Fingers crossed. :)

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Fingers crossed.

My concern is that the folks who vote yes will cross back and vote for the very people who did this to them-republicans.

I’m hoping they don’t forget what these Magas did to felon voting restoration.

You can’t give them an inch. Right now, the maga at our statehouse are trying to stop the gerrymandering amendment slated to go on Novembers ballot by holding Biden’s name on the ballot hostage🤬

Never ever trust them.

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Oh, never!! I saw David’s recent “whiteboard “ post where he explained the end game behind this “knock Biden off the ballot” BS. What a bunch of prolapsed anuses these Magats are. They’re trying to subvert the progress you guys made in anti-gerrymandering your districts and passing an abortion rights amendment, essentially trying to hold the presidential ballot hostage—and the governor is in agreement with that! I thought Devine was a decent guy, but that’s because I’ve lived with sneering insects DeSantis and Rick Scott for so long. I hope you guys can crush your Magats. And us too! I mean, we already have palmetto bugs—we don’t need Magats too.

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Our Governor DeWine has been made to heel by the Magas. He’s no longer a “regular” Republican. Are there any left?

They’re afraid of losing their seats and they should be. If this gets on the ballot, it will pass. And our legislation will be more representative of Ohio.

Right now, it’s a pretty big if..


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I’m in, too! This is such great news! It makes me hope that Florida is in play!!!

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Wonderful!! Just donated!!! Thank you for this uplifting news!!!

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Yes, thank you David, again, for spreading this good news and for being such a 'run everywhere' advocate. Clearly your work is having an impact! I donated!

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David Pepper, I sooooo admire & appreciate your identifying the problem of nationwide-uncontested-down ballot-races and keeping this drumbeat going.

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Born and raised in Boca Raton (live in SF now). Floridians deserve better! I’ve donated to help turn things around. You can take the gal out of Florida, but you can’t take the Florida out of the gal.

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Just curious why is it called “140” Blue Florida?

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Their goal was to fill all 140 state house and state senate seats.

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I am a 2nd Gen Central Floridian and have made another contribution to help take back Florida from the MAGA'ts....

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Granular analysis is very helpful. Has this level of detail been presented previously?

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I should’ve said first that it is great news and it is!

At the very least, Floridians will now have a choice.

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