David- It would be heaven to have this be the speech tonight. Can you arrange to commandeer the airwaves and do a speak over? 🙏

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FDR has been my hero since he announced the day of infamy when I was 4 yo!! NEVER FORGOT THE RADIO BROADCAST...surely not word for word but certainly in the actions we took to guard Guess that makes me a TRUE BELIEVER in what we thought we fought the 2 World Wars for, but more nasty people show up every day filled with hatred for those who are not white males SO here we go again. I sure as hell won't watch this LIAR of the world order stand in our CONGRESS and declare we are in good hands...He needs to be in prison & we need to grow up as a BAND OF HUMANS protecting our planet EARTH from greedy horrible creatures like these 3. PUTIN, MUSK, and DRUMP, plus all the other dicks-tators of the world. All non human animals are better than the 2 legged human variety. WE IDIOTS ARE MOVING VERY FAST IN THE WRONG DIRECTION INDEED

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We need to march boldly, carry big sticks & banish the guilded age 2.0 that we’re barreling toward!

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Wonderful! Thank you!

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This would be a great speech for the Democrats to give as their response to the SoTU

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This is the best outline of the things I believe in I’ve seen anywhere. I wish you were delivering it tonight.

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Trump is RUSSIA first! He and Putin have always been in CAHOOTS! Trump's SOUTH AFRICAN WELFARE QUEEN likes to call Americans counting on their EARNED BENEFITS PARASITES! Trump is ILLEGITIMATE because SCOTUS did not overturn Colorado courts' finding he committed INSURRECTION! #DNC

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Great State of the Union. I wish a Democrat would deliver it and some media would have the courage to broadcast it!!!!

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Keep going - you have to stay strong and keep explaining to the American people who just can’t grasp the significance of it all for the US and the World - 👍

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