Will do. And the call to action will be clearer

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Someone really needs to rewrite this. It is very important to get this message out but in a much shorter and to the point article.

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Agreed, Jerry. I was just about to write the same. I would love to share broadly, but not many of my contacts, even if they're somewhat politically aware would read through all the detail and references to past actions here. I'm going to try to write something for my people, but...

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It’s a lot. I agree. I had to write fast since DeWine was Winning the narrative battle. Although I think we've helped change that. I’ll write a short version and a call to action and share that too

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Perfect. Thank you!

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I greatly appreciate your efforts and ability to educate us, but I also appreciate that you understand many of us need a more straightforward, concise message (after all the details) in order to move on and fight the fight. Thanks for all you do!

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Please, David, get someone to digest and send this out in a short, direct form so people will actually get to the actions while they're still mad enough to do them.

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This is just beyond unimaginable. Wish they applied their efforts and energy in doing good for Ohioans, and win fairly instead of putting obstacles and killing what's good for ALL Ohioans.

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Colorado was forced to print a criminally indicted Insurrection inviting traitor on their ballot, Ohio has no legitimate reason to exclude the sitting President running for a second term. Speaking of terms, extortion comes to mind.


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I just did both of the actions you suggest. I want all dark money out of politcs, not any for anyone or anything! I told both my rep, Michele Grim and the house speaker Stephens that they need to remove all dark money from Ohio campaigns on a completely separate bill

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I’m curious about this “foreign money”?? If I remember correctly, the guy that owns Uline (with a similar name) is from Illinois and pumped in millions to try and defeat abortion rights. Is that considered foreign money?? Or is that money ok because it was to help their side?? I’d like a clearer definition from Ohio Republicans on this foreign money. They are SO FULL OF SHIT in this (my) state !!

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These politicians, Ohio's bought & paid for GOP, are screwing over their own constituents. They can't win with their policies. They are not willing to accept the wishes of the people they are supposed to serve.

This is one issue on which all Americans should agree: legislators have no right to ignore or take away rights the People have claimed. Vote them out. They are showing you who they are. They won't stop until the People of Ohio are ground into dust. VOTE BLUE TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE'S POWER!

{It isn't bumper sticker material but I think the bases are covered. The point is made. }

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I hope this effort is thwarted. What happens in one state gets tried in other state. I’m from AZ and they would surely attempt this there. EVERYONE NEEDS TO VOTE BLUE IN NOVEMBER.

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They are playing Limbo. Let's see how low we can go.

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Heinous skullduggery in the Ohio legislature. Aka business as usual. Is there no end to this? Even Alabama stepped up to the plate.

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I’ll be honest, I’m not even sure exactly how to look up the results of this awful attempt to once again undermine the voters of Ohio, but did DeWine get this through?

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I hate my governor. He doesn’t know how to do anything but hate women and reproduce.

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This is why.

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[Offered for anybody's use; adding links would be easy]

to: Rep93@OhioHouse.gov

subject: CLEAN BILL, please, to put Biden/Harris on the ballot

Dear Speaker Stephens,

As a voter in the great state of Alabama (now only the second or third most corrupt legislature in the nation, thanks to your governor's efforts and yours), I am calling on you to

Pass a CLEAN BILL to ensure that the incumbent president and vice president appear on Ohio's ballots statewide this November. There should be absolutely no quid pro quo attached to this action.

Your underhanded, under-the-table moves to curb democracy -- oh, yeah, people can see it -- do not lend dignity or respectability to your actions this year. The power of initiative especially must remain inviolate; those of us who learned about it in the third grade have never forgotten (RIP civics lessons).

And calling injunctions against unconstitutional laws "final orders" and fast-tracking their appeals for corrupt confirmation higher up the chain (no trial or court judgment needed based on facts and law) is a truly brazen, in-our-faces effort to quash any measured consideration of, ultimately, the people's wishes. Time fails me to consider your work to preserve gerrymandering.

You and all your colleagues are hereby reminded that you serve at the pleasure of the people, and the more insight they have about what you are doing, the less pleasure they will have at your occupying the seats of responsibility you now so vigorously dishonor. I've mentioned Alabama, but you are fast approaching the base levels of the Tennessee legislature when it comes to corrupt and self-serving intent. You, sir, and Cameron Sexton clearly are cut from the same cloth.

In sum: You lost (the people won) on changing the voting rules to a 60–40 threshold to pass initiatives; you lost again on the reproductive rights constitutional amendment. Your motives are bathed in blinding light. Straighten up and fly right. Learn about and resist the Trump Contagion; expose and disavow the coded orders in Governor DeWine's proclamation of the special session; and restore honor and honesty to your office and your chamber before it's too late.


Calera, Alabama (Cong. District 6)

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I don't know who to be more angry with, Ohio Dems for putting us in this situation ( knowing Ohio's statutory deadline) or the Rs who always seem to outmanuever us with arcane legal details even dedicated volunteers find difficult to understand. I am so angry about this probably losing fight.

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