I guess you have to pay to play. These picks were all rejected by the people in one way or another already. Too bad they couldn't earn the positions by their own merit.

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The absurdity that people voted for change. Laughable if it weren’t so grim and ghastly.

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And it is only going to get worse - much much worse! We are now living in the new Gilded Age where money (Trump, Thiel, Musk, Bezos,...) has now taken over and Americans will be slaves and peasants. The people who voted for these grifters are going to have their pockets picked over and over and over - all the while they will be blinded by the lies that tell them that it is others who are cheating them and taking away their money and rights and freedoms. Just wait until there is no one to help any American at any agency that used to have highly qualified workers, who have now been replaced by yes men and yes women who don't know a damn thing about what they are "supposed" to do....Death and Destruction will soon be upon us in spades! America is about to be driven over the cliff and destroyed on the rocks below.................. H.L. Mencken had it right - "On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright (dangerous) moron

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Thank you for listing the mult-billionires and multi-millionaires the MAGAs can have a beer with. 🙄

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