Where are the alarm bells? We are in an apocalyptic danger. The mass majority of Americans are taking care of their families, worrying about the daily struggles of their personal lives, and making sure their children are getting what they need. As the average German citizen did when their country was very slowly and unrecognizably at first, and then unstoppably bursting into fascism, Americans are operating in what they think is a normal world. It is not normal. If we do not wake up, the youth of today, as well as all of us, will be trapped in an unrecognizable nightmare of living in a fascist country—a country in which we will lose our most of our freedom to chose how we live, what we can say, what we can learn, who we can love, what our children can learn, where we can travel, and so on. And our fascist leader will be corrupt, mentally ill, corrupt, unprincipled, narcissistic, immoral, and uncaring man.

The mass majority of citizens have no idea what terrors lie ahead for themselves, their children, their families, and their friends.

How do we wake them up before it’s too late?

Gayle Donsky

Producer of the recent award-winning documentary, The Broken Promise. The film is about genocide and warning signs that countries are moving toward authoritarian rule and genocidal policies.

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AGREED. I'd love your thoughts on this wake-up. I'm thinking Tiktok? Potent messages cloaked in creativity? Rap song...

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I don’t have the skills nor the connections to organize a nation-wide rally. But I did have the following idea to share with those who recognize the value of this kind of action for our nation’s crisis:


After the debate and Monday’s Supreme Court decision I have been struggling to think of what concerned citizens can do. This morning I wrote the statement below:

The time is now. As Heather Cox Richardson repeatedly reminds us, no one will save our democracy. It’s up to all of us. I am proposing that we start planning a nation-wide grassroots rally/protest to make our voices heard.

Our democracy is in dire danger. A major political party has become a fascist party—abandoning democratic principles, morality, and justice. Our Supreme Court has become a rogue court in which the majority has abandoned the principles of the Constitution, stripped citizens of their freedoms, and given the President imperial rights.

Our mainstream media underplays all the dangers to our democracy. And social media is unrestrained in spreading dangerous lies and disinformation.

I propose that once it’s clear that Joe Biden will be our Presidential candidate—or whoever will—we start planning a nation-wide protest/rally to highlight the messages that the mainstream media has failed to do.

After the dismal debate, the media’s headlines primarily highlighted the demand for Biden, one of our nation’s most successful presidents, to drop out of the presidential race. Almost no headlines highlighted the fact that the other candidate is a convicted felon, an insurrectionist, a rapist, a serial liar, who supports violence, who is aligned with and an enabler of our nations worst authoritarian enemies, who wants to tear down our institutions, our justice system (already has compromised both), and on and on and on.

The media would not be able to ignore the messages that should be headlines in all of our media if we do what Richardson says we should do. Make our voices heard, make our voices take up space.

We can do this by coming together as a coalition of groups (women, anti-guns, climate, Black Lives Matter, LBGTQ) and concerned citizens to organize a massive nation-wide protest/rally to fight to save our democracy. Our ultimate message would be that this unhinged, immoral and dangerous felon should not be allowed to run for President. If our laws and our elected officials will not protect us, we must do what we can to protect our country.

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As a former Big Media person and street activist, I propose we think out of the box to get major attention. Flash Mobs, etc. Exploit the good side of social media to grab eyeballs...

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Important clear message.

Flying our flag high here in Missouri where we need Lucas Kunce voted in to replace Hawley.

Marine veteran Kunce has served numerous deployments aboard defending our freedoms. He will defend all Americans' freedom in the United States Senate.

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Thank you sincerely, David!

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You always give me hope.

Thank you, David, and

Let Freedom Ring!

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Excellent. Thank you, David.

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I choose Freedom for me on Nov. 5th!

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