David, thanks this is great. I’m deeply terrified of everything they’re doing in regard to the government systems. As a retired Budget Analyst for the Department of Defense, the access they have is extremely disturbing. There have ALWAYS been checks & balances in place. I DO NOT for one nanosecond believe they have *read only* access. If they did, why then are they bringing in & connecting their own servers to the government ones? They’ve stolen the data & there’s nothing no one can do about that now. The courts telling them to halt are all good, but as the saying says, a day late & a dollar short. I just wish more would wake up & see exactly what’s happen now.

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Feb 9
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CML, Thanks for further explaining this. I’m pretty sure, there is no way in hell Musk & his ilk will be deleting any of the information they’ve stolen unless someone in control is standing over them forcing them to do so. There are probably already at least a couple of backups of that data stashed somewhere.

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I recently finished Yuval Noah Harari's book Nexus, which is in part about the dangers of AI developing beyond our capacity to control it. But I'll bet he never imagined the US Government actively taking us to the place he fears--which has much to do with the "black box"

The book has a LOT of good stuff besides talking about AI, about how human information sharing works, from prehistoric story tellers through writing, printing, radio, tv, all the innovations up to the internet.

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His description of the use of Ai to control groups in China and Iran was terrifying. Why is musk using programmers and not accountants? I believe he is putting in code to control the system and replace democracy. See @mikebrock on substack or the reporting at America2.news about Curtis Yarvin etc

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yeah. The convergence of AI and a sociopath is terrifying.

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🔸️NONE of the big blubbery baby man's clown show would be happening if he was disqualified day one after forensic psychiatrist Dr Bandy X Lee's report of the FIVE DANGEROUS MENTAL PATHOLOGIES of Donald Trump.

🔸️The 1973 Goldwater Rule is obsolete. It said a public figure should be personally examined to diagnose. Today, social media continues to record thousands of hours of pathological behavior from the one foot tall orange baby man in diapers for all to see. No personal examination needed.

🔸️Voters DEMAND mentally fit leadership. It is the sacred duty of Senate leadership to protect American voters from dangerous mentally unfit candidates and to prevent autocratic abuse.

"Stephen Xenakis-Fitness for Duty Exams: Preventing Autocratic Abuse"


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Yup … here’s the plan: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5RpPTRcz1no This documentary is the Tech Bro Vision for us

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@mikebrock on substack and David Troy’s reporting at America2.news also explain their plan

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Crimes of Big Money in Politics

🔸Endless war in every country for endless profit

🔸Endless destruction of the environment for endless profit

🔸Endlessly pit society against itself to hide in plain sight for endless profit

"Consequences of Capitalism", Noam Chomsky, Preface


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It’s about time‼️💪🏼Thank you Senator Moran🇺🇸

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While US folks talk, Trump acts.

This is how dictators win over democracies.

Each time you funnel your concerns into a blog post, comment or tweet, your democracy degrades that little bit more.

As such, should you blame Trump & Elon for acting, or yourselves for not acting?

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Thank you so much for this David -- I'm trying to build awareness and raise the alarm -- any which way I can!

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America is being attacked from the inside. And people like Vought are saying out loud that they plan to put fear into federal workers (and spy on them?). That coming from someone in our OWN government! Sounds like a threat to America, Americans, and American security. And we still keep asking WHO the Hell are these people? Names? Faces? And why and how can they just walk in and basically say to anyone - get out, we are taking over? And once they are in can say to anyone - you now cannot come in here because we are in charge. DOGE is NOT a legal entity. They should be the ones being shown the door. NO, you are NOT allowed in here and if you try YOU will be arrested! It is OUR DATA and OUR INFORMATION that they are accessing. And NO American gave them permission to access our data. They need to be arrested on charges of being a threat to America and Americans.

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Thanks for posting this. A successful congressional intervention would require support of a small minority of republicans in both house and senate. I wonder if the contest between the techno-fuedalist and white-populist-nationalist wings of the republican party could be leveraged to defeat elon and the incels.

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This is happening right NOW and Americans either don’t care or aren’t taking it seriously

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We're totally overwhelmed and trying to focus with the huge onslaught of cruel destruction of everything we know while trying to shake our elected Democrats out of their stupor of the way things were.

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All our info is already for sale legally. Nobody cares.

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What you and your friend didn't address are the plans for massive rewriting of vast systems, such as the ATC systems. Trump wants two or three contractors to rewrite the system. I guarantee you that Musk will own one or more of those systems. And there will be overruns, massive overruns. There always are. And once the government 'owns' the system, the only organizations competent to maintain and run them will be those same contractors. They can essentially blackmail the government into paying outrageous fees to keep the systems running. We have dug a deep hole and Trump is telling us the only way to get out is to dig it deeper.

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Why is musk using programmers and not accountants? They are trying to enact the tech bros plan to overturn democracy see @mikebrock on substack or this indepth report at America2.news https://america2.news/content/files/2025/02/Musk-NRx-Memo-February-5-2025.pdf

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Exactly, and trying to overwhelm us with the rapidity. Well, they made the prideful error of publishing their game plan, and they are not the only ones to have watched the *Actual* “Green Bay Sweeps,” in football. I remember watching Yemberton Abraham Tittle as the New York quarterback, back in the day.

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