Any discussion about immigration and deportation by Republicans should be countered with reminders that a bi-partisan immigration reform bill that would have increased border officers and immigration judges thereby expediting asylum review and that passed the Senate was scuttled by Trump directly before a House vote. He should be called out each time.

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Especially when they want to pin immigration issues on Kamala as the “border czar.”

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Everytime I hear one of those MAGA dolts talk about mass deportation, I just want to rub their face in the dirt of history to point out the various empires and countries that tried such a thing, and their resulting genocides. The Roman empire, the Egyptian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, Russia, Germany, Turkey, Rowanda, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Sudan, on and on the list goes. The only thing mass deportation does is insure the downfall of whoever is pushing for that idea.

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Thank you, David, for your continuing efforts to save democracy. The links provided at the end are excellent also. Knowledge is power.

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