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Total Mismatch: Deters v. Stewart

Help Stop the Cynical Attempt to Politicize the Ohio Supreme Court

On the merits, the race between Joe Deters and Justice Melody Stewart is one of the greatest mismatches I’ve ever seen up close.


Justice Stewart is the most experienced appellate judge on the Ohio Supreme Court. A model public servant and jurist. A barrier breaker who’s earned everything she’s ever achieved.

Honestly, Deters really isn’t a judge:

He had no experience as a judge when he was appointed as the final trade of many back-and-forth trades of personal favors between the DeWines (one a Governor, the other now a fellow Justice) and the Deters. For those tawdry details ( used the term “incestuous”), go HERE.

And since he’s gotten there, he really hasn’t acted like a judge: hardly a presence on the bench; ignoring blatant conflicts of interests; challenging a fellow colleague on the bench rather than running for his own seat (first time in decades that’s happened); issuing absurd rulings that no law student could defend (like the “boneless chicken” one); and running around talking like a politician, including on Issue 1 — which already appeared before him once (he allowed the blatantly manipulated ballot language to stand), and will no doubt come before him again if we let him win (he said as much), but which he attacked a tactic by “the other side” to change the rules (that should lead to automatic recusal, but won’t).

Just a politician in robes. A partisan hack trying to take out a real judge—the most experienced on the sitting Ohio Supreme Court.

And if he succeeds, it will be the worst moment of a Court that has already fallen quickly from being the independent check and balance it’s supposed to be. He would be the symbol of Ohio’s abandonment of the rule of law—with implications on everything from fair districts to reproductive freedom to everyday Ohioans’ quest for justice.

Please watch the VIDEO above to see the ugly details.

As a lawyer, it’s one of the more sickening things I’ve ever witnessed, going back to the appointment itself—and knowing the ugly backstory that led to it. And it’s lived down to all my worst expectations.

Folks…PLEASE do what you can to help Melody Stewart, Mike Donnelly and Lisa Forbes win.

We can’t allow this cynical ploy of politicizing our court to succeed.

You can help in three ways.

First, if you live far from Ohio, please help Justice Stewart and these candidates by giving HERE.

Second, if you live anywhere near Cincinnati, my parents are hosting an event for all three next Saturday (from 4-6 p.m.). We will be joined by special guest Dr. Amy Acton.

Please come by! Please RSVP HERE.

Third, please share this email with your network. Be sure they know as well.


This is a true front-line battle for democracy. Please do what you can.


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